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The researcher has planned to carry out the research study with respect to the data processing and analyzing method with the help of SPSS. This software is to be used in processing the result and findings of the survey. The SPSS application will be to measure the factors that facilitates entrepreneurship for the households of developing and emerging economies are work experience, wealth, age, and education; development and improvement of brand equity related to the luxury and experiential brands are vital for their successes; and catering industry of China is growing rapidly that makes it inevitable for the catering brands branding themselves, offering unique dishes, incorporating cooking skills that re exclusive.

The expected outcomes are listed as follows:
Majority of households will require the factors that facilitates entrepreneurship for the households of developing and emerging economies are work experience, wealth, age, and education
Majority of entrepreneurs will enable development and improvement of brand equity related to the luxury and experiential brands are vital for their successes.
Majority of entrepreneurs will endorse the fact that catering industry of China is growing rapidly that makes it inevitable for the catering brands branding themselves, offering unique dishes, incorporating cooking skills that re exclusive.

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