

论文代写-名人代言客户产品。名人代言客户产品被认为是公司的主要战略之一。它被用于广告领域,帮助它们在同行业中领先于主要竞争对手。人们对名人的迷恋和这种信仰的整体演变是通过他们和名人之间的联系来实现的。希望该文献能够提供一些概念来识别名人属性对旅游业的影响(Hung, 2014)。

Several studies and survey related to the role of celebrities have been considered in different sector which consists of advertising, communication, marketing and politics etc., however, the most important resultant of these studies suggest that a mere number has focused on the hospitality and tourism. The overall effectiveness of the advertisement campaign developed under celebrity endorsement which has created a impact to increase the interest from the researchers(Glover, 2009).Earlier research indicates that the overall impact of the endorsement on the key factors consists of the corporate image, celebrity and other key factors such as loyalty that were interrelated to the celebrity used. To get a clear and precise idea but the function of the celebrity endorsement in the tourism industry, it is very much crucial for identifying and assessing the key features which consists of effective celebrity endorser (Djafarova and Waring, 2012). Key facts and figures with the help of the research suggest that the important group of symbolic dimension enables the identification of the amount of customer belief. It is related to the celebrity image or endorsement which include the loyalty, trustworthiness, skill, overall personality, attire, gesture, standard of living, relationship other key factors (Zhang and Zhang, 2010).
In connection to the celebrity traits, a several researches identified that the trustworthiness, skills and attractiveness are considered to be major factors which add to the attributes of the celebrity endorsement (Cantoni and Xiang, 2013). Customer loyalty refers to the level to which the customer takes the celebrity endorsement which conveys a sense of honesty, belief and integrity via advertisement medium. The other key attributes of the celebrity endorsement are skills which are defined as the level to which the individual expertise and overall experience along with specific knowledge about the industry segment help to assist the decision make or influence the decision making process of the customer. Skill is related to the overall competency, qualification ability to control the customer belief and choices (Strauss and Woods, 2007). The last attributes include the appeal of the celebrity or the connection of the celebrity with their fans. It is defined by the work or the persona appearance beauty and etiquette plays vital roles in determining the choices or influences the choices of the customer (Byun and Jang, 2015).
In summary, earlier research found that the overall physical features or the celebrity images act as a catalyst. It influences the mindset of the customer and thus help to influence the corporate images and corporate credibility.

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