


有几个与供应商的组织战略伙伴关系,他们利用供应商的专业知识来确定新产品设计的低成本原材料。供应商的这种贡献对于降低新产品生产线的产品成本至关重要。同样地,提供产品与成本领先战略和及时供应链模型的组织实际上依赖于供应商。这种依赖是基于供应商的能力和贡献来满足客户的需求(Rita和Krapfel, 2015)。


在这样的模型中,与供应商形成战略伙伴关系,使其在组织的多个过程中包括供应组织,以消除效率低下并在市场中获得竞争优势,这一点变得非常重要。买方供应商的权力提供了降低风险,提高质量和减少资本投资。供应商在支持工艺流程执行和减少环境影响方面发挥了重要作用(Tangpong et al., 2015)。这被认为是供应商仍然是一个外部的一方,它向组织交付所需的组件和材料。这是为了使它能够开发新产品或零售所采购的产品。


There are several organizational strategic partnerships with the suppliers that have leveraged the expertise of their suppliers to determine the low cost raw material for the design of new products. Such contributions from the suppliers are of key importance in reducing the product cost for new product lines. Similarly, the organizations that provide with the product with cost leadership strategy and just in time supply chain models are actually dependent on suppliers. This dependence is based on the competence and contributions of the suppliers to meet the demands of their customers (Rita and Krapfel, 2015).


In such models, it becomes important that the strategic partnership is formed with the supplier to include the supplying organization across multiple processes of organization in order to eliminate the inefficiencies and achieve a competitive advantage in the market. The buyer-supplier power provides with the reduced risk, quality enhancements and capital investment reduction. The suppliers further play a vital role in supporting the technological processes execution and reducing the environmental impact (Tangpong et al., 2015). This is considered as the supplier remains an external party which delivers with the required component and material to the organization. This is performed in order to enable it to develop either new products or to retail the products procured.