


任何企业家都被认为具有某些能力。这些能力是知识、动机、能力和特征。虽然前三种性格可以通过学习和经验获得,但一个人的性格特征是他人格的组成部分。一个人的特点决定了他是否有能力成为一个成功的企业家。许多对成功企业家的研究揭示了他们与众不同的一些共同特征。成功是一种内在的需要;他们有承担责任的意识和冒险的倾向。在灵活的同时,他们也有耐心处理模棱两可的问题。一般来说,他们都是勤奋和聪明的工作人员,有毅力专注于他们的激情。他们有很强的信心和责任感。他们表现出决心,并乐于接受即时反馈。他们充满激情和能量,他们有很好的计划未来与现实的目标(Driessen和Zwart, 2007)。

这五个人格维度在理论上用大五因素模型来描述(Ciavarella et al., 2004)。这五个人格维度分别是外向性、情绪稳定性、利他性、对新体验的开放性和尽责性。GoPro的创始人尼克·伍德曼(Nick Woodman)就是这些特点的典型代表。他从一开始就是一个充满自信和活力的孩子。他的老师和教练对他勇于挑战的精神赞不绝口。他总是在计划着什么。他从不对书感兴趣,表现得很外向。伍德曼相信他的热情,并跟随它转化成一个有利可图的冒险。当伍德曼最初的两次冒险失败时,他也看到了自己的失败。虽然他害怕失败,但这并没有阻止他失去希望并放弃。他有冒险精神,在事业上有自主权。


Any entrepreneur is believed to possess certain competencies. These competencies are knowledge, motivation, capabilities and characteristics. While the first three can be acquired by the way of learning and experiences, characteristics of a person are the integral parts of his personality. Characteristics of a person decide whether he has capabilities to become a successful entrepreneur. Many studies on the successful entrepreneurs have revealed some common set of characteristics that set them apart. There is inbuilt need for achievement; they have sense of commitment and propensity to take risk. Along with being flexible, they also have patience to deal with ambiguity. Generally they are hard as well as smart working people and have tenacity to focus on their passion for something. They have great sense of confidence and responsibility. They show determination and are open to immediate feedback. They are filled with passion and energy and they have well planned out future with realistic goals (Driessen and Zwart, 2007).

The five personality dimensions are depicted in theory by Big Five Factor Model (Ciavarella et al., 2004). These five personality dimensions are extraversion, emotional stability, altruism, openness for new experiences and conscientiousness. The GoPro founder Nick Woodman exemplifies these traits and characteristics. He has been confident and energetic child since the beginning. His teachers and coaches rave about his streak to take on challenges. He was always planning something or the other. He was never interested in the books and showed Extraversion. Woodman believed in his passion and followed it to convert into a profitable venture. Woodman has seen his share of failure when two of his initial ventures failed. Though he fears failure, it did not deter him to lose hope and quit. He has streak to take risk and attain Autonomy in his business.