

通过论文代写价格-澳大利亚劳动力短缺问题的调查分析,劳动力的脆弱性是多层次的,这使得任何单独的政策都不可能足以消除奖励标准的劣势,并支持标准化的合规(Hall and Partners, 2012)。因此,需要考虑政策的各个领域。例如,需要注意移民政策,以便更好地管理有文件记录的收获工人供应和消除无文件记录的劳动力需求。这是一个不断增长的过程(Birrell et al., 2013)。政策改革势在必行。文章中所描述的劳动力市场的趋势使得澳大利亚工人的收割工作变得没有吸引力。国家最低工资通过最低工资来确定最低收入,因此,讨价还价是不可能发生的。这也应该在澳大利亚的范围内加以遵循。在解决劳动力短缺问题时,必须考虑到填补无证件工人的这一空白。接下来有关论文代写价格-澳大利亚劳动力短缺问题的调查分析如下:

The interview program secondly in the later 2013 and in the early years of 2014 was supplemented with backpacker hostel telephonic interview and operators for caravan park in every Australian state and the territory in the North. An online survey was also administered for harvesting workers. From this perspective, it is evident that primary data research and collection have been done in order to analyse the argument. The languages of the questionnaire for online survey were in English and Chinese language. It was available over the web from 2013 to 2014 (Underhill et al., 2015). Recruitment of respondents was done through invitation cards placement at working hostels utilized through harvesting workers and online website utilized through the WHM groups to locate the work on harvesting. The initial 417 responses were reduced through data cleaning and it was found that 303 responses could only be used. The methodology clearly indicated that the percentage of male and female participants such as 58.1 percent were males and females constituted 41.9 percent, while the age mean between them was at 24 years (Clibborn, 2015). Present crops or tasks were inclusive of vegetables, berries, grapes, stone fruit and citrus. Each of these had individual percentage clearly provided by the authors in the article. Four on 5 were initial year holders of visa from WHM group. 72 percent of these were looking for second year visa. Other participants were inclusive of New Zealanders, Australians and global students (Hugo, 2001). The respondent’s distribution was clearly provided into the form of tabular demographical categorization.
The workforce vulnerability of multi-layered nature makes it not likely for any individual policy to be enough for removing award standards disadvantage and for supporting the standardized compliance (Hall and Partners, 2012). Therefore, various areas of policy require to be taken into consideration. For example, policies of immigration require attention for better managing the documented harvest workers supply and removing the undocumented workforce requirement. This is a process that has been growing (Birrell et al., 2013). Reform of policy is required. The trends of labour market depicted within the article have resulted in making Australian workers harvest work to be unattractive. the national wage minimally fixes floor of earnings through so that bargain cannot happen. This should also be followed within the Australian context. Filling such a gap with undocumented workers needs to be taken into consideration with regard to an acceptable solution towards shortage of labour.

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