


Case study method is used by the researcher to enable examination of the data within specific context. The case method that has been used in this analysis is based on the geographical area and different subjects of the study. These case studies have been found to be a valuable research method. They enable the analysis of real-life phenomenon with the contextual analysis. There are a number of empirical inquiry methods that has been used to understand the relationship of the in-depth longitudinal examination. They enable the collation of data and also aides in comprehension of the different cultural nuances and its implication on the operational protocol. In this there has been adopting of the multiple-case design. These are used to comprehend about the real-life events. The generalization of results is found to be based on multiple designs. There are many kinds of pattern-matching that is embedded into the design which is based on the theoretical proposition. In the case of theoretical proposition there is a higher level comprehension of the results and evidences that are found to be in practice. These enable the researcher to gain higher level of confidence and the robust method is developed.
In this analysis, there are totally four case studies that are used. Two case studies are based on the change management that was practiced by the companies in China and the other two case studies are western companies. Each one of these case studies elucidates the methods in which there can be implementation of the change management in each of these companies. There is specific focus that is given to the companies that operate on the international medium while adopting a local culture to bring the changes in the companies. This adopts the explanatory case study approach. These explanatory case studies are useful in comprehending about the surface level and holistic levels on understanding the phenomena and the context of the data. These researches also enable the researcher to create an inferencing strategy. Explanatory cases are also used for analysis of the casual studies and it is used in the cases of pattern-matching. These enable the analysis of the complex and multivariate cases. Multivariate cases enabled the utility of the knowledge-driven theory, problem-solving theory. There is also focus on the social-interaction theory. These knowledge-driven theories help the commercial products to be applied in the markets. The innate issues that stem from this paradigm can be analysed by using the problem-solving theory and there is the use of social interaction theory to understand how these factors are related to each other.

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