


Cultural fit can be defined as that ability of an employee that will make them work in an organization in a comfortable manner as their own beliefs are coherent and congruent with that of their organization. Cultural fit is often used a selection criteria when it comes to assessing an employee for potential recruitment. An employee must primarily possess the needed qualifications in order to be considered for selected. Organizational culture in this context presents a more holistic way of understanding how the employee will fare in the workplace. Qualifications by terms of degree and experience alone would not determine this cultural fit. As discussed earlier, the organizational culture is a complex one. There are shared values, beliefs and assumptions. There are ways of working, such as process vs. job orientation and many more. An employee must come into the organization to not become a disruptive element, but one that can connect with the norms and harmony of the organization.

In terms of cultural fit, I would fit within the Aldi workplace better than I would in other food retailers. Aldi’s sense of commitment to quality and at the same time achieving that quality through simplicity is something which would work well with me. Aldi’s values are ingrained in simplicity and frugality and this will coincide well with my ideologies on minimalism. In current global context, I believe it is necessary for people to live minimally and not get caught up in the fast-paced consumer culture. Aldi would be a perfect workplace that reflects this value of minimalism. Brandes (2004) terms Aldi as being ascetic in its undertakings. This is similar to minimalism.

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