


There is a human dimension when it comes to earthquakes and other natural disasters. The human dimension is what results in an exacerbation of the disaster. This seems to form the basis of the arguments as laid out by author. The background and the main example presented in this study are that of the Marmara earthquake. This is an earthquake that was seen to cause great tragedy for the people, both people and constructions were devastated. There were more than 17,000 fatalities and 44,000 injuries occurred, with an estimated 20,000 collapsed buildings displacing more than 250,000 people. The area in which the earthquakes happened and the collapse of buildings was not a surprise for the country as this was an area that was earthquake prone. It lies on a fault rupture line. Multistoried reinforced concrete buildings were built in the region. The corruption as author points out lies in this context.

Turkey has been focused on rapid development and in rapid development has not worried much about proper regulations and more. The result was the pancake type of collapse that was seen in the country. The pancake type of collapse resulted from the government’s inability to monitor what could be safer buildings and what would not be. For instance, in the case of the Marmara region, there were inadequate lateral forces in the buildings which was more of an accident waiting to happen as presented in this work. In addition, corruption is clearly seen in the way, the performance of the buildings was not tested as well. In modern engineering systems and more, it is necessary to critically assess the performance of the power grids, the housing, the basic infrastructure surrounding the housing and more. However, there were no such performance tests carried out.

It is interesting that the paper has assumed the natural disasters as being brought on by the politician and economic decisions of the state, more than just that of a natural element. The advice made by the author is that of the necessity of Government to handle corruption that leads to this state. The author calls the behavior of the Government that is corrupt as being deviant. Deviant is a social concept that is usually attributed to the behavior of men when they are deviant from the norm. Where there is deviant behavior observed in the case of a state, then there would be issues for the state planning as seen in the case of the Turkey earthquakes. There are dynamics between the corruption state of the country, of the corporate power in the country and even the natural disaster precipitation. In this case, the paper argues for a reinterpretation of natural disasters in terms of human rights violations, while developing themes around state culpability.

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