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论文代写-反社会人格受环境影响的因素。研究人员普拉特(Pratt et al., 2002)能够识别出像反社会人格、注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)及其他亚分类这样的疾病可以在一定程度上遗传下来。在其他情况下,攻击性是由于学校里的同伴压力,或通过观察那些本身具有攻击性的父母或看护人而产生的长期沮丧而形成的。因此,环境的影响被认为是一个重要的影响。

Studies cite that around two-thirds of juvenile delinquency was observed in families where parents had a criminal record (Stewart, 2008). As Stewart (2008) and Sibley et al. (2011) argued, when a biological father was a criminal, there were high chances for the child to be a criminal, too. Researchers like Ghodsian-Carpey & Baker (1987) performed studies where they observed a high amount of heritable influence in aggression. A high degree of correlation was observed. A typical case study for some of these elements and their influence on criminal tendencies is John Wayne Gacy Junior otherwise known as killer clown. John Wayne Gacy is a serial killer who had a difficult childhood because of his weight. He lived in an abusive environment, faced aggression contributing elements in his life, and therein some of these elements and their contribution on criminal and psychopathic tendencies have been studied in detail by researchers. Research by Mitchell & Aamodt (2005) highlighted how the incidence of abusive environments and parents leads to criminal tendencies in later life.
As much as those traumatized children who turned to be criminal, we need to note that not all people end up being so. For example, researchers like Rushton et al. (1986) highlighted that not all children would display a behavioural disorder. Some would learn to grow out their aggressive tendency and hence the possibility from childhood aggression to criminality would be reduced.
1.2. Aims/hypotheses
The aim of this paper is to critically analyse, discuss the correlations, and trace the pathway from ADHD induced aggression, aggressive parents, the environment influence, and antisocial personality on adult criminal tendencies.
The research questions are,
1) How ADHD related aggression leads to the onset of adult criminal tendencies?
2) How aggressive parents lead to criminal tendencies in the grown-up child?
3) How environment like school and family contribute to aggressive childhood that leads to adult criminal tendencies?
4) How antisocial personality related aggression leads to adult criminal tendencies?
Based on the research aim and questions, four hypotheses are generated which are as follows.
Hypothesis 1: Childhood conduct problems like ADHD related aggression results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 2: A history of aggression in the parents of a child results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 3: Influence of environment such as school institutions induced peer pressure, bullying etc. causes friction and aggression that results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 4: Antisocial personality related aggression results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult.

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