论文 代写-巴塞罗那纪念碑


论文 代写-巴塞罗那纪念碑

西班牙的四个王国靠四个扶壁而坐。这些是“加泰罗尼亚公国,莱昂、阿拉贡和卡斯提尔王国”。在基座的底部还有四个雕像。这些雕像是Jaume Ferrer de Blanes,加泰罗尼亚制图师,Luis de Santangel Bessant,队长Pedro Bertran i de Margarit,他几乎是跪着的印第安人,第四尊雕像是Bernat de Boi神父,他在布道跪着的印第安人。纪念碑的柱子里有一个电梯,是用来带游客参观站台的。倾斜的八角形底座嵌有八个青铜浅浮雕板。所有这些展板都展示了哥伦布第一次美洲航行的重要场景。纪念碑的浮雕描绘了哥伦布在科尔多瓦会见伊莎贝尔王后和费迪南德国王的场景,哥伦布和他的儿子,哥伦布向僧侣们解释了计划,哥伦布在议会会议上,哥伦布离开了阿平港,哥伦布到达了新大陆。

论文 代写-巴塞罗那纪念碑

The four realms of the Spain are seated against the four buttresses. These are the “the Principality of Catalonia, and the kingdoms of León, Aragon, and Castile”. There are four more statues at the base of the pedestal. These statues are of Jaume Ferrer de Blanes, a Catalan cartographer, Luis de Santángel Bessant, Captain Pedro Bertran i de Margarit, who could be seen near kneeling Indian, and the fourth statue is of Father Bernat de Boï, who is preaching the kneeling Indian. There is an elevator inside the column of the monument, which is meant to take the visitors to view the platform. Canted octagonal plinth is inset with eight bronze bas-relief panels. All these panels shows the important scenes related to the first voyage of Columbus to the Americas. The Bas-relief of the monument depicts the scene of Columbus meeting the Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand in Cordoba, Columbus and his son, Columbus explain the plan to the monks, Columbus at the council meeting, Columbus leaving the port of Apian, and Columbus reaching the New World.
There are also eight costs of arm that have been visited by Columbus during his voyage. The base of the Monument in Barcelona is a big circle of 20m. The base has four staircases. There are also four statues of lion on each staircase. The idea of making the monument came to Antoni Fages i Ferrer in the year 1856. But for the next sixteen years, he could not work on his plans. In the year 1872, he received the support of then mayor Francesc Rius i Taulet and in the year 1881 a resolution was passed to build the monument in Barcelona. Antoni Fages i Ferrer wanted to get the monument built by the Cataalans, thus a contest was proposed to present their design of the monument. The winner of the contest was Gaietà Buigas i Monravà, who was also a Catalan. The funding for the construction of the monument came from the Spanish sources. Only the 12% of the funding was raised by the private sources. The complete construction of the monument was done by the Catalans.
