
论文 重复率:公司制定计划、培训和发展

论文 重复率:公司制定计划、培训和发展

计划:这里预先定义了员工的数量和类型,以实现目标。可以观察到员工如何能够达到目标,以及为帝亚吉欧公司在世界不同地区的有效性制定了哪些计划。研究是这一职能的一个组成部分,因为规划需要收集资料,以便预测人力资源供应和推测未来的人力资源需求。人员配置:它突出招聘和选择公司的人力资源。人力资源规划和招聘是组织中人员的战略选择。在选择之后,公司的人力资源人员将参与培养、塑造和管理方法,以帮助经理根据工作规范决定选择和拒绝哪些申请人(Farndale et al ., 2012)。为了确保这一切顺利进行,帝亚吉欧的人力资源管理职能正在进行许多与人员编制有关的活动。
培训和发展:它使员工有足够的能力和能力来有效地履行和执行他的职责。除了为新员工提供培训外,它还对有经验的员工进行常规培训,使他们了解组织内部和周围的最新发展(PENNELLA, 2005)。簿记:员工簿记是传统的、也是最基本的个人职能。这包括记录、维护和访问关于员工的不同目的的信息。一般保存的数据有申请表、健康和医疗报告、工龄表、工资和工作时间等。帝亚吉欧的人力资源管理职能是确保员工的记录保存在不同的地点,并且可以根据需求共享员工。

论文 重复率:公司制定计划、培训和发展

Planning: Here the number and type of employees are predefined to achieve the targeted goals. It is observed that how the employees are able to meet the targets and what are the plans which are set for the effectiveness of the Diageo Company in different regions in the world. Research is an integral part of this function since planning demands gathering of information so as to predict the human resource supplies and to speculate future human resource needs.Staffing: It highlights the recruitment and selection of human resources for the firm. Human resource planning and recruiting conducts the strategic selection of people for designations in an organization. After selection, human resource functionaries in the company are involved in nurturing and shaping and administering the methods that upgrades and assists the managers to decide which applicant to select and which to reject according to the job specifications (Farndale et al, 2012). In order to ensure that this goes on quite well, the HRM Function at Diageo is doing a lot of activities related to staffing.
Training and development: It enables an employee to be capable and competent enough to perform and execute his duties effectively. Apart from providing training to new recruits it also conducts routine training for the experienced employees so as to make keep them updated and aware about the new developments in and around the organization (PENNELLA, 2005).Record keeping: The traditional and most basic personal function is employee record-keeping. This includes recording, maintaining and accessing information regarding employees for different purposes. Generally the data maintained are application forms, health and medical reports, seniority lists, salary and hours of work etc. It is advisable for the HRM Function at Diageo to make sure that the record of the employees is kept at different locations and employee sharing can be possible as per the requirements.