


这里讨论的案例是基于Semco的案例研究。Semler and Company于1982年被Ricardo Semler接管。这个组织的组织结构是一种家长式的等级制度,金字塔式的结构,由一个专制的领导风格的领导人领导。对于每个偶然性,都有一个规则。本组织的重大改组始于领导层的变动。在此案例研究概述的基础上,本分析准备对与公司相关的几个观点进行思考。这种结构很难遵循,因为在一个领导者很难取悦的地方,两个领导者几乎是不可能取悦的。这是Semler的观点,员工应该向2个领导汇报(Petrou et al., 2016)。他们没有采取这样的改变,而是实施了改变并接受了它。他们对必须采取的步骤变得非常谨慎,甚至对所冒的风险更加谨慎。这可能不是所有组织员工都遵循的。
此外,该公司并没有在其战略范围内将外包作为一种战略,而是将职能放在内部进行,这可能会给任何其他组织造成问题,因为外包对许多组织来说是必不可少的,而且有助于节省成本。该公司仍需努力完善其多项功能,比如该公司没有任何营销部门。目前市场营销的问题是涉及到每个人的问题(Petrou et al., 2016)。这意味着所采取的措施需要可持续性和拨款。Semco的潜力更大,公司可以在需要的时候达到它的高度。然而,这里缺少的关键是,该公司没有任何适当的平台来处理相同的范围。它需要更多忠诚的员工。本案例研究的概念是Semco一直表现良好。然而,该公司需要确保其盈利能力和增长能够持续下去。只有在环境中存在一致性时,连续性才能出现。公司需要为其员工和业务职能部门制定激励和环境计划。


The case to be discussed here is based on the case study of Semco. Semler and Company was taken control by Ricardo Semler in the year 1982. The organizational structure of this organization was of a paternalistic hierarchy with pyramidal structure led through a leader with autocratic style of leadership. For each contingency, there was a rule. Dramatic restructuring of the organization began upon leadership change. Based on this overview of the case study, this analysis has been prepared to ponder over several perspectives related to the company. This structure is difficult to follow because where one leader is difficult to please, 2 leaders are impossible almost to please. This was the case followed from the perspective of Semler wherein the employees were supposed to report to 2 leaders (Petrou et al., 2016). Instead of resorting to such change, they implemented the change and accepted it. They became very cautious over the steps that they had to take and were even more particular about the risks that they took. This might not be followed by all organizational employees.
Also, the company did not undertake within its strategy to follow outsourcing as a strategy rather functions took place in-house and this could have created an issue for any other organization because outsourcing for many is essential and it helps in saving costs.The company still needs to work over furnishing several of its functions such as the fact that the company does not have any marketing department. The issue of marketing currently is the problem of everybody involved (Petrou et al., 2016). This signifies that the measures to be taken need sustainability and appropriation. The potential with Semco is of higher extent and the company can reach its heights as and when needed. However, the key lacking here is the fact that the company does not have any appropriate platform for handling the same extent. It requires more loyal employees.This case study is of the notion that Semco has been performing well. The company needs however to ensure that its profitability and growth are continued. The continuity can only come forward if there is consistency present in the environment. The company needs to work on motivation and environmental programs for its employees and business functional units.