


ZARA manages to attract more and more customers as customers are being valued and company is obliged to bring change in design and trends according to customers’ opinions. Thus the culture of ZARA is a customer-oriented culture. Another major factor which adds to the success of strategy of ZARA is the rapidly changing trends that meet the pace of rapidly changing market demands.
In organizational culture, the structure of ZARA is kept simple and easygoing. There is not too long managerial hierarchy. The structure of lean organization has been applied to the managerial hierarchy of ZARA. This structure reduces the levels of managers and executives in the organization hence simplifying the communication among the hierarchy.
As it has been mentioned earlier that, the key element of ZARA’s strategy is to be responsive to customer demand. In order to achieve this strategy, it is necessary to convey customers’ opinion to designer and producers as soon as possible. The structure of ZARA is well-aligned with the strategy. In the enforced structure, a store manager operating in any part of the world can directly transfer information and feedback to the designer and product manager. The working environment is kept friendly and flexible with sufficient control on discipline.

Less translators in the path of opinion from customer to designer ensures less false interpretations and delay in the information. The structure of ZARA in organizational culture makes ZARA a devastating retailer of fashion and apparel according to the fashion director of Louis Vuitton. A normal fashion and design retailer takes around 5 weeks while going from designing to retailing phase, whereas ZARA takes only 2 weeks in the whole process from designing to showcasing the product in stores worldwide (Philmore, 2009).

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