


Another strategy which may be adopted by the managers is to attend a number of events which aren’t job fairs. In a job fair, the person who will come for the job may not generally have a great talent. On the other hand, in some of the other events, there may be many people who will attend the same and the manager can interact with them and hire a great talent.

Thus in the present marketplace, hiring comes to be the most important and efficient business process. Hiring is a very complicated process in the business and it is important to ensure that the hiring of the people should be done in a correct manner so as to ensure that the organization continues to run in a smooth manner and there is no biasing in the process of hiring. It is important to understand the different strategies which may be considered to be efficient for the purpose of hiring. The managers should try unique and different ways for hiring of the candidates and should ensure that the process of hiring is completely free from all forms of biasing. This will not only help in getting the potential team but will assure a great environment in the workplace with efficient members. Thus, in this report, the context analysis of the process of hiring has been conducted along with the future strategies which may be employed by the managers during the hiring process.

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