


There are multiple definitions of environmental security while understanding it from different perspectives. Environmental security is considered as the relative public safety that comes into existence because of human processes such as the mismanagement of environment, or because of the ignorance of people etc. Here the focus is on the human environment dynamics and how these dynamics could be useful in restoring the environment. Military action, resource scarcities and more come to be understood through these actions.
Another definition of environmental security is that of understanding it as the cycling of natural resources to products, to wastes or natural resources in ways of promoting for social stability. In an alternative definition, environmental security is understood as the need to maintain the physical aspects of society to make available the natural stock for generation after. Yet, another definition considers environmental security as the freedom necessary from social instability perspective, especially in the context of understanding environmental degradations. Environmental security is understood as a transnational issue.
Epidemiological studies have shown the pervasion of health into the environment and the health of the people. Pollution was is a cause of contention in the societies in the past century (Seaton et al., 1995, p. 176). There were several efforts taken by the countries and individual entities to solve this issue. In this condition, the concept of environmental security was being introduced (Seaton et al., 1995, p. 175). present that environmental security is a state that the environment supporting human’s survival and development is prevented from being polluted or damaged (Seaton et al., 1995, p. 176) The rising levels of pollution and the increase in the sheer volume of the human population state that there should be more efforts taken to resolve this issue of pollution. Around the world, there were different viewpoint and stands that were taken by the societies. This is based on the standpoint regarding populace, inherent natural resources and issues of security which constantly evolved. There are several events in the society that mandates the direction in which policy is framed in the societies (Edwards et al., 2013). It is quite clear that the notions of environmental pollution and the environmental disasters owing to the rampant commercialization and exploitation of environment have already occurred. The effects are ubiquitous. The only real solution is devising a conclusive and holistic approach to address these events and this research。

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