


颠覆性创新理论认为,人是在一个轨道上进步的(Markides, 2013)。在技术发展的过程中,客户的需求往往被蒙蔽。企业有应对的技术,但未能做到(Christensen, Anthony, and Roth, 2013)。由于这一点,现有的公司未能面对现实的需要的情况。应用这一理论,可以发现公司总体上能够满足消费者的需求(Kain, Hwang, and Warner, 2015)。另一方面,特斯拉专注于创新和激进的技术,而不是真正的消费者需求。沃达丰的商业模式发生了范式变化(Dru, 2015)。他们在技术领域进行了变革,并将重点放在服务营销战略上。公司的发展势头没有受到影响,所以公司在目前的形势下能够蓬勃发展。

沃达丰澳大利亚公司在制定战略政策时强调四个主要方面。它是信任、个人责任、道德和领导力。这是根据公司的使命、资源、挑战和机会来构建的(Plewa et al., 2015)。在澳大利亚的顶尖公司中,沃达丰一直被认为是企业社会责任水平高的公司。沃达丰是少数几个被认为承担了重大企业社会责任的品牌之一。公司的企业社会责任努力是针对消费者的使用,连接当地社区,确保公司有更低的碳足迹。在消费者使用方面,公司要求人们负责任地使用手机,Plewa et al., 2015)。他们创造了许多谨慎的使用方法,以及在危机期间最小化使用的方法。


The theory of disruptive innovation states that the people are improving in a trajectory (Markides, 2013). Customer needs are often deluded in the process of technological growth. Companies have the technology to respond but fail to do so (Christensen, Anthony, and Roth, 2013.) Owing to this the incumbent companies fail to face to the real requirements of the situation. Applying this theory, it can be found that the company has in general been able to meet consumer demands (Kain, Hwang, and Warner, 2015). Tesltra on the other hand has focused on innovation and radical technology but not on the actual consumer needs. There is a paradigm change in the business model of Vodafone (Dru, 2015). They have made changes in the technology sector and focused on the service marketing strategy. The momentum of the company is not affected and hence the company has been able to thrive in the current situation.

Vodafone Australia stresses on four main aspects in framing the strategic policy. It is trust, personal responsibility, ethics and leadership. This is framed according to the mission, resources, challenges and opportunities of the company (Plewa et al., 2015). Among the top companies in Australia, Vodafone has been regarded as the company that has high level of CSR. Vodafone is one of the few brand names that have been considered to have embarked on a substantial corporate social responsibility. The CSR efforts of the company have been directed towards consumer usage, connecting with the local communities and ensuring that there is lower carbon footprint for the company. In terms of consumer usage, the company asks the people to use mobile phones responsibly Plewa et al., 2015). They have created lots of cautious usage and ways to minimize usage during times of crisis.