


此外,这篇文章将集中在另一个亚洲的发展中国家,中国(威廉姆斯et al .,2013)。这个国家也发展迅速,在最近十年,收到了大量的外包订单(Estevez-Abe et al .,2015)。中国有世界上最快的GDP增长率在过去的十年;国内生产总值从2005年的1859亿元增长到2014年的6359亿元这意味着它只有10年增长了342%(中国国家统计局,2014)。这也是在中国普通工人的平均工资也大幅提高。2005年,中国工人的平均工资是18200元人民币,经过10年的发展,它在2014年筹集了56360人民币10年前的300%(中国国家统计局,2014)。因此,这主要是事实,采取外包订单在这些国家的经济发挥了重要作用,为经济增长贡献了大量的国家和个人的过去十年(2013年Milberg et al .,事务所)。

外包不仅带来了积极影响订单接收国经济的观点,但也会影响工人的生活质量和标准以一种积极的方式(美国,2016)。事实上,它带来了更多的好处比单独国家的工人(中国国家统计局,2015)。因为大多数在这些国家制造商相关外包订单,工厂中扮演最重要的角色完成这些订单(韦伯斯特et al .,2006)。制造工厂主要需要大量工人为了实现尽可能多的效率是可能的(国际劳工组织亚洲及太平洋区域办事处,2014)。因此,他们需要更多的工人在装配流水线生产的作用,这可能直接影响到全国各地的失业率。


Furthermore, this essay will focus on another Asian developing country that is China (Williams et al., 2013). The country also has developed fast in the recent decade and received tons of outsourcing orders (Estevez-Abe et al., 2015). China has the fastest GDP growth rate in the world in the last decade; its GDP had grown from 185.9 billion yuan in 2005 to 635.9 billion yuan in 2014 which means it has grown by 342% in only 10 years (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2014). This was also the period when the average wage of Chinese normal workers had also raised significantly. In 2005, the average annual wage of Chinese workers were 18,200 Chinese yuan and after 10 years’ development, it raised up to 56,360 Chinese yuan in 2014 which is 300% of what it was 10 years ago (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2014). Thus, it is mostly true that taking outsourcing orders played an important role in these countries’ economy and contributed a large amount to its growth in both national and individual way in last decade (Milberg et al., 2013).

Outsourcing has not only brought positive impacts on the economic point of view to the order receiving countries, but also affects workers’ living quality and standard in a positive way (United States of America, 2016). In fact, it has brought more benefits to workers individually than to the countries (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2015). Since most outsourcing orders in these countries are manufacturer related, factories play the most important role in completing these orders (Webster et al., 2006). Manufacturing factories mostly require a large number of workers in order to achieve as much as efficiency as it is possible (ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2014). Therefore, they need more workers to take the production role in assembling line, which could direct affect the unemployment rate all over the country.