


为了教育的目的,因特网正在不断地被利用。研究人员建议,越来越多的学者、作者和研究人员不断上网,以确定相关研究,并分析他们的自我研究和研究目的(Finkelhor, 2014)。互联网已经证明了在教育领域的优势,因为互联网可以方便地转移知识。互联网为那些特别试图寻找与他们的搜索相关的信息的人提供了广泛的知识。这些信息会使他们获得同样的信息,如果没有使用互联网,这些信息将花费大量的时间和精力。(Holloway et al .,2013)。


因此,这个范围表明互联网确实有好处。此外,互联网已经从仅仅是知识的来源变成了娱乐的源泉。据研究人员记录,从孩子到老年人,世界上大多数的人都在上网寻找娱乐消遣(戴维森和斯坦,2014)。Kevin(2009)建议,娱乐行业的趋势正在改变,在这种转变中,人们越来越多地发现付费电视服务不值得,因为他们利用互联网作为娱乐的来源。人们之所以使用互联网,完全是因为它比电视服务和其他娱乐形式(包括戏剧和音乐活动)的成本要低(Finkelhor, 2014)。


The internet is being utilized growingly for the purpose of education. It is suggested by the researchers that increased number of scholars, authors and researchers continually surf the internet to identify the relevant studies and analyse them for their self-studying and research purposes (Finkelhor, 2014). The internet has proven to be advantageous in the field of education as the easy transfer of knowledge is facilitated by the internet. Readily access is gained by the internet to the wide range of knowledge for the individuals that are specifically attempting to find information related to their search. This information benefits them as gaining the same information that will be considerably time and effort consuming if the internet is not utilized.(Holloway et al., 2013).

Hence, this scope point suggests that the internet does have benefits. Furthermore, internet has shifted from being merely a source of knowledge to the source of entertainment. It is recorded by the researchers that from the kids to senior citizens, majority of the population across the world is accessing internet for availing entertainment (Davison and Stein, 2014). It is suggested by Kevin (2009) that there is shifting trend in the industry of entertainment, within this shift the people are growingly finding the Pay TV services to be not worthwhile due to which they are utilizing the Internet as their source of entertainment. People are utilizing the internet solely due to the fact that it costs less than the TV services and other forms of entertainment including the theatre plays and music events (Finkelhor, 2014).