


选择的组织是来自澳大利亚的暴雪娱乐。这家公司一直是一流的开发人员和娱乐软件出版商。1994年暴雪娱乐公司成立后,该公司迅速成为最著名、最受尊敬的电脑游戏制造商之一。通过专注于精心设计的创作,以及高度享受的娱乐体验,公司决定保持一个质量为基础的无与伦比的品牌名称,即使它开始。公司获得了广泛的评论性赞誉,在所有的特许经营中每年都获得多个奖项(Kotler et al., 2013)。事实证明,这些专营权大获成功。此外,暴雪娱乐的在线游戏服务是世界上主要的游戏服务之一,有几个玩家在积极享受。


该公司的产品质量也较高,在游戏玩家中很有名。这类产品包括基于动作的人物、小说、漫画、棋类游戏、角色扮演游戏、服装和魔兽世界交易卡游戏世界(Copier, 2007)。这个游戏在其分类中也很畅销。当游戏范围进一步扩大时,公司目前正与传奇影业合作。有了这样的定位,公司一直在利用自己的营销计划来获得更多的知名度。本文的重点在于运用市场营销理论,阐述公司实施营销计划的方式,以及这对价格、促销、产品和地点的影响。


The organization selected is Blizzard Entertainment from Australia. This company has been a premier developer and entertainment software publisher. After Blizzard Entertainment label establishment, in the year 1994, the organization quickly became one of the most famous and properly respected computer games makers. Through focus over the creation of properly designed, and highly enjoyed experiences of entertainment, the company has decided to maintain over a quality based unparalleled brand name for itself even since it started. Broad critical acclaim has been garnered by the company to achieve multiple awards annually across all its franchises (Kotler et al., 2013). These franchises have proved blockbuster. Additionally, online game services of Blizzard Entertainment are one of the major across the world with several players enjoying actively.

The products of the company are also of higher quality proving to be famous among the gamers. Such products are inclusive of action based figures, novels, comics, board games, games for role playing, apparel and the Warcraft Trading Card Game world (Copier, 2007). This game is also a bestseller among its categorization. When the games reach is extended further, the company presently is with the Legendary Pictures domain. With such orientation, the company has been utilizing its marketing plan to gain much popularity. The focus in this paper lies in elaborating through the use of marketing theory, the way in which this company applies its marketing plan and the way in which this influences over price, promotion, product and place.