


‘枪’这个词的时候是与心态有关枪的概念仅仅通过接收协议的演讲者对英语应该这样做。没有直接的一对一关系中任何特定的术语和外部形式的指示物是指利用它(Fairclough 2012)。因此,按这种说法可以得出结论,个人没有一个选项就能指使用一个术语,指的是某些表示如果他们愿意理解。能指与所指之间的关系,可以通过社会矫正或固定惯例,因此,表明建筑语言是社会的方式完成的。

如果语言的社会建构完成,它的贡献提高怀疑关于文化的影响。有许多变化在不同的人类社会,在一定的持续时间和在任何特定的时间点(Fairclough 2012)。任意背后的概念意义但重要的感知有关的表示语言和现实之间既不是新的或不同的,也不是特定只根据作者。这篇文章还说古希腊时期。本文的基础上,发现参数已经被许多学者把关于病因知识和文化之间的关系(Kieran 2010)。这种观点已经得到作者的支持。参数包括两个主要部分。第一部分说明了关于相对论的知识根据有变化的方式,不同的文化可以感知和解释在全球各地。这种结构提供了在这些语言。第二部分是关于语言的决定论。按它,它一直保持这种特定的语言不仅反映了文化的贡献,而且还提供了一个结构,它提供了一个指导方针演讲者对全球。


The word ‘gun’ is related with the concept of mentality regarding the gun solely through receiving the agreement from the speakers with respect to the English language that should done so. There is no direct one to one relationship amongst any specific term and the external form of referent is utilized for referring to it (Fairclough 2012). Therefore, as per this statement it can be concluded that individuals do not have an option regarding the signifier using a term for referring to a certain signified if they are willing to understand. The relationship amongst signified and signifier can be rectified or fixed through social convention, thus it demonstrates that construction of language is done in a social manner.
If the social construction of language is done, it contributes in raising the doubt regarding the influences of culture. There are a number of variations amongst varying societies of humans, over certain duration of time and at any particular point of time (Fairclough 2012). The notion behind the arbitrary sense but significant amongst perceptions regarding representation of language and reality is neither new or different nor specific only according to the author. The article has also stated about the period of Ancient Greeks. On the basis of this article, it has been seen that arguments have been placed by a number of scholars regarding causative relation amongst the knowledge and culture (Kieran 2010). This point of view has been supported by the author. The argument consists of two main parts. The first part illustrates about the relativity of knowledge according to which there are variations in a manner that varying cultures can be perceived and explained across the globe. This structure has been provided in these languages. The second part is about the determinism of language. As per this, it has been maintaining that a particular language not only contributes in reflecting the culture but also provides a structure in a manner that it provides a guideline to the speaker with respect to the globe.