



当前市场上的品牌竞争非常激烈,它们希望清楚地了解消费者的感知,以便改进(Dobni and Zinkhan, 1990)。通常情况下,公司可能会利用定性和定量的过程来帮助消费者展示他们对一个品牌的思维过程(Blaxton 1993;Boivin 1986;杜吉和斯图尔特1987)。研究技术要求消费者分享品牌的口头数据。言语交际数据是有用的,然而,许多研究表明,非言语交际也有助于了解消费者的想法。事实上,正如研究人员Biel(1993)所说,“品牌形象也有很强的非语言成分”,因此也有必要了解消费者的想法。然而,这是困难的,事实的消费者表示是研究人员在任何时候都可以访问的。使用ZMET可以更改此约束。


The ZMET and MEC technique are used to understand the consumers more properly. Consumers usually will not purchase a product for just the physical content or functionality of the product but will do so because of other reasons, such as what the product presents socially, how it affects their emotions and more. In this context, it is necessary to identify the meaning better. This research attempts to understand how customer satisfaction in the context of the catering industry could be understood better by identifying product and company attributes. The catering company can then develop a unique style of their own, so consumers can better understand the ethos of the company, their culture and style.ZMET is a technique in marketing that relies on the verbal representations of the customer towards a product that they would like to buy. A verbal representation of the consumer is necessary as it would help the brand being targeted to improve accordingly.

Brands in the current market are very competitive and want to understand their consumer perceptions clearly for improvement (Dobni and Zinkhan, 1990). Usually, companies might make use of qualitative and quantitative processes in order to help a consumer engage in presenting their thought processes on a brand (Blaxton 1993; Boivin 1986; Durgee and Stuart 1987). The research techniques require the consumer to share verbal data on the brand. Verbal communicate data is useful, however, many research studies show that non-verbal communication would also be helpful to understand what the consumer thinks. In fact, as the researcher Biel (1993) states “brand images have a strong nonverbal component” as well and hence it is necessary to also have some amount of access to how the consumer thinks. This is difficult, however, the consumer representation of facts is what the researcher will have access to at any point. Using the ZMET changes this constraint.