


According to Andrew Carnegie defined, “teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability is to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results”. The effectiveness of team work completely depends on the efficiency of team leaders. A good team leader can motivate his subordinates and cooperate with other department heads. Teamwork is not about the people doing the same work, but it is about maintaining harmony among entire organization. In hotels, many departments are working together for customer’s satisfactions, such as managers, catering staffs, front office staffs, clerical staffs, and maintenance staffs and housekeeping staffs (Peter Jones, 2002).
Necessity of teamwork
A successful Teamwork in hotel industry plays a vital role in the development of the whole. In this type of work, culture interactions and cooperation among the staffs and managers is essential to maintain the essence of teamwork (David and Hayes, 2016). It is necessary because:
Team formation is essential for supporting amore authorized way of working without which it may prevent someone doing their job properly.
To develop multi-disciplinary work culture.
To increase flexibility, responsiveness and to get accustomed to the characteristics of the employee.
To increase the sense of equality, companionship, supportive and cooperative nature.
It enhances the sense of togetherness and motivates the employees to work for the company (Michael and O’Fallon, 2011).
If the team is performing well, then this will be the best way to work.
Increases sense of responsibility and credibility.
Maintaining hierarchy in an organization.
Follow the rules of organizational behaviour and decorum.

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