

人力资源是每个企业的关键组成部分之一。人力资源的主要功能是处理员工关系,维护组织的一些行政职能,如招聘、培训、面试、安置员工等。人力资源管理项目表明了对工作场所的内部和外部评价(Burke, 2017)。对公司的内部评价主要集中在成本效益法。外部评价主要关注人力资源管理方法实现目标的整体效益。大多数公司使用不同的方法来选择他们公司的潜在候选人。思科是全球重要的计算机和网络产业之一。在目前的市场中,思科是领先的网络解决方案提供商。在2016财年,思科实现收入491.61亿美元,净利润79亿美元。大多数员工都为能在这家公司工作而感到自豪(Rafferty and Restubog, 2017)。思科采取不同的措施来有效地培训员工,满足客户的需求。因此,员工的绩效在不断提高,这有助于提高公司的整体绩效(Grant, 2016)。这说明哈密尔顿论文代写-思科人力资源管理的主要作用是管理公司的整体情况。人力资源的参与有助于提高工作效率,优化人力资源。在一些公司,人力资源管理人员使用不同的统计分析工具来衡量个别员工的绩效。

This company mainly provides routers, aggregation services, mobile wireless and data support etc. CISCO works in various segment regarding sales and support. There are different types of work specialization in this company such as collaboration specialization, data centre specialization, Enterprise network specialization, Security specialization, Internet and software specialization and Service provider specialization (Stein, 2017). This company provides network emergency response such as voice over IP, high definition video surveillance and network based video surveillance etc. In present market data centre, architecture mainly supports different data driven business models, cloud applications and proliferation of devices. Data centre specialization of this company helps to track sales, service and technical development of the company. Security specialization of CISCO provides effective security that mainly helps the companies to build a strong security service for more profit (Mao et al., 2017). Expertise employees of this company provide different security related solution to the customer for their business. Master security of this company has removed all kind of network threats that mainly help to gain more competitive advantages in their business. CISCO provides different network experience based on the type of connection that provides customers more bandwidth to fulfil their digital needs.
Skill and Competencies of This Worker
This company takes different steps to train their workers and employees to increase the skill of individual employees. That generally gives an extra advantage to the company to make the project in efficient manner (Kasemsap, 2017). Human Resource Executives play the key role in case of trading of employees. Company has created a training solution team to train their employee. The main objective of the team is to identify the needs of company after that they provide different target learning method for the employees that mainly help to enhance the skill of individual performer. CISCO provides leadership program and various traditional leadership programs for its executives such as e- learning, case studies and analysis etc. (Grant, 2016). Company has chosen different proficient worker to provide instance and better business solutions based on networking. In present market, the companies are more attentive to get better results from the employees. Improvement of skills and performance help the employees to handle the customer as well as complete the service works perfectly.

To encourage the employees, CISCO implemented different strategies that motivated the employees. Most of employees of CISCO feel proud to work in this company ranked 42 all over the world and the main credit goes to the employees of this company. For that Reason, company provides different rewards for the best performers to encourage and motivate them. Company mainly provide both monetary and non-monetary rewards such as competitive performance based pay, health coverage, long term savings plan, employee stock purchase plan, employee support program and positive work environment etc. (Wilhelm et al., 2016). Employees get other different benefits and incentives from the company so that with the help of these strategies, company attracts the workers.

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