

佛蘭德藝術主要包括對農村地區人們的經驗表徵。隨著世界範圍內的城市化進程,意大利不得不以城市經驗取代鄉村經驗。此外,戰爭圖像和歷史事件也消失了。傳統的加爾文地區文化也被取代,人們尋找戲劇性的景觀。這在每幅畫中都增加了商業化的一面(Hill and Minghelli, 2014)。農業和其他商業活動被排除在風景畫之外。然而,其他的藝術作品包括商業化,因此,當前的趨勢和場景是代表性的主題,而不是對山水畫的常規定義。傳統學科消失的主要原因是工業革命(懷爾德,2007)。意大利的藝術作品被傳播到世界各地。山水畫獲得了新的表現形式。戶外寫生是巴比松畫家的創作重點,這種寫生手法被認為是一種寫生手法。這一景觀攝影誕生後,增強並改變了景觀藝術家的構圖選擇。另一種表現是革命性的藝術作品。
雖然自然的背景仍然是一致的和可見的,新技術給意大利帶來了新的視覺體驗形式。後來的一代也引進了激進的繪畫技巧。這意味著要創造更深刻的印象,並以創新思維來表達想法。這發生在印象派時期(Hill and Minghelli, 2014)。 19世紀和20世紀顯示了藝術和攝影之間直接聯繫的重要性。隨著工業化的發展,藝術家們開始將藝術視為一種職業,而不僅僅是一種表達方式。這就是商業化的開始。藝術家們通過各種形式的山水畫來回應全球問題。正是在20世紀,風景畫獲得了一個新的定義和替代的表現形式。景觀攝影得到了普及,並被用作創作藝術作品的來源,人們非常關注保護和全球意識問題。除了傳播意大利文化,它還關注創造影響。


Flemish art mainly included empirical representations of people in rural regions. With the urbanization round the world, Italy had to replace the rural experience with urban experience. Further, war images and historical events disappeared. The traditional Calvinist regional culture was also replaced and people looked out for dramatic landscapes. This added aspect of commercialization in every painting (Hill and Minghelli, 2014). Farming and other commercial activities were excluded from the sets of landscape paintings. However, other art works included commercialization and hence, the current trends and scenes were the subjects of representation than the regular definitions given to landscape painting. The main reason for the disappearance of conventional subjects was industrial revolution (Wilder, 2007). Italian art work was spread to other countries across the world.Landscape painting attained new forms of representation. Painting out of doors straight from the nature was the focus of Barbizon painters and this practice was regarded as plain air painting. After the birth of this landscape photography, it enhanced and also altered the compositional choices of the landscape artists. The other representation is revolutionary art work.
While the natural backgrounds were still consistent and visible, new techniques gave fresh forms of visual experiences in Italy. The subsequent generation also introduced radical painting techniques. These were meant to create deeper impressions and think innovative to represent ideas. This occurred during the period of Impressionism (Hill and Minghelli, 2014). 19th and 20th centuries displayed significance of direct connection between art and photography. The increased industrialization transformed artists to regard this as a profession and not just as a mode of expression. This is how the commercialization began. Artists responded to the global issues through varied forms of landscape paintings. It was during 20th century when landscape painting gained a new definition and alternate forms of representation. Landscape photography gained popularity and was used as the source to create the art work and people were extremely concerned about the conservation and global awareness issues. In addition to spreading the culture of Italy, it was concerned about creating impacts.