

Euthyphro困境可以被理解的一般討論,蘇格拉底和Euthyphro之間發生。 Euthyphro即將判決他的父親,在這種背景下,討論男人的虔誠的性質被帶入上下文。 Euthyphro要起訴他的父親。 Euthyphro禮物,有一個神聖的原因他的行動和他的家人不能理解這個神聖的干預行動。蘇格拉底問他這著名的問題”是神的虔誠的愛,因為它是虔誠,還是虔誠的,因為它是愛的神嗎?”(1966年吉奇,p.70)。這是Euthyphro困境。描述將有助於更好地理解Euthyphro困境。這裡的問題是,上帝命令一個特定的行動,因為它在道德上是正確的。或者,相反的觀點是,一個動作在道德上是正確的,只是因為神所吩咐的。前者假定上帝一樣不是道德權利的起源神的誡命的理論前提。後者假設道德權利只存在,因為神(上帝是原始點)。如果是後者根據神的命令是正確的理論,然後像仇恨和毀滅可以被認為是僅僅因為神所吩咐的。



The Euthyphro’s Dilemma can be understood in general from the discussion that takes place between Socrates and Euthyphro. Euthyphro is about to sentence his father and in this context, a discussion on the pious nature of men is brought into context. Euthyphro is going to prosecute his father. Euthyphro presents that there is a divine reason for his action and that his family is not able to understand this divine intervention in action. Here Socrates asks him this famous question “Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?” (Geach, 1966, p.70). This is the Euthyphro dilemma. A rephrasing will help to understand the Euthyphro dilemma better. The question asked here is whether God commands a particular action because it is morally right. Alternatively, the opposite viewpoint would be that an action is morally right only because God has commanded it. The former assumes God as not the origination for moral rights as the divine commandment theory presupposes. The latter assumes that moral rights only exist because of God (God is the originating point). If the latter was true according to the divine command theory, then something like hate and destruction could be considered right just because God has commanded it.

Euthyphro’s dilemma is used to present a similar dilemma for Divine Command Theory. Supposing that God is not the origination of moral actions, the connection between God and moral actions is severed as understood in the Divine command theory. God is no longer the law maker, but instead is someone who understands virtues within us as being right and wrong. According to the Euthyphro dilemma, if we understand God as just a recognizer of moral rights, then it would mean that God is not the origination for the morals, and this means that the divine command theory is actually challenged at its very core. Now the other stand point in Euthyphro dilemma is understanding all actions as stated by God to be morally right. Since people do actions guided by God, it could be said that their actions are dictated by God. Now the dilemma introduced here is this: if someone does something wrong and which results in harm to people, because God wanted them to do so, then can they be called as being morally right. This is incorrect, because morals teach people not to harm others. Once again, the Euthyphro dilemma can be understood in the context of the divine command theory.