


一个好的商业领袖是一个努力领导企业并保持团队动力的人。他需要避免在工作人员中偏袒。这可能会导致怨恨的状况。一个好的商业领袖需要培养不愿意授权的能力。如果他做同样的事情,他/她将不会成功,这将导致低效。此外,如果业务领导者表现出糟糕的沟通,可能会导致很多误解和错误。这将导致一些问题,并将在工作人员之间产生问题,并将导致工作质量差。一个好的商业领袖是很重要的,因为它有助于为组织中的大量员工指明方向。他们帮助员工看到未来可能会发生的事情,帮助他们想象可能会实现的事情,并鼓励和激励组织内的员工。在商业组织中,一个强有力的领导者是很重要的,因为它有助于利用他们的努力,激励他们实现特定的目标。因此,一个好的领导者通过对员工可能采取的行动进行适当的监督来帮助控制组织,确保他们做的每件事都是正确的,并促进商业组织中可能发生的变化(Nohria & Khurana, 2013)。
一个好的领导者是一个组织所需要的,因为他/她通过以有效的格式重新塑造可用的信息来帮助商业组织的正确运行。一个强有力的领导者再次是必要的,因为他在组织的目标和目标的规划过程中提供了帮助。作为一名强有力的领导者,能够使组织获得成功,因为这有助于有效和高效地利用可能以最佳方式可用的资源。此外,一个强有力的领导者对组织很重要,因为他/她也能激励其他人(Daft, 2014)。因此,在一个组织中有一个强大的领导者是非常重要的。当且仅当有一个合适的方向,并且这个方向可以在一个好的领导者的帮助下实现时,一个企业才能成功。一个强有力的领导者是商业组织成功的关键原因。在这篇研究论文中,讨论了一个好的企业领导者的特点,一个好的企业领导者应该避免什么。此外,还有一个分析,如果在一个组织中有一个好的业务领导者是重要的。


A Good business leader is a person who tries to lead the business and keeps his team motivated. He needs to avoid favoritism among the staff members. This may lead to the condition of resentment. A good business leader needs to develop the ability to be reluctant to delegate. If he does the same, he/ she will not be successful and it will lead to the inefficiencies. Also, if the business leader shows poor communication, it may lead to a lot of misunderstanding and error. This will lead to a number of issues and will create issues among the staff members and will lead to bad quality work. A good business leader is important as it helps in giving the direction to a large number of employees who are the part of the organization. They help them to see something which may be there ahead, helps them to visualize something which may be achieved and encourage and inspire the employees within an organization. A strong leader is important in a business organization as it helps in harnessing their efforts and motivate them to achieve specific goals. Thus, a good leader helps in controlling the organization by doing the proper supervision of the actions which may be taken by the employees, ensuring that they do each and everything what is correct and facilitate the changes possible in the business organization (Nohria & Khurana, 2013).
A good leader is required for an organization as he/ she helps in the proper running of the business organization by re-shaping the available information in an effective format. A strong leader is yet again necessary as he assists in the process of planning of the goals and objectives related to the organization. Being a strong leader leads to the success of the organization as it helps to make an effective and efficient use of the resources which may be available in the best possible manner. Also, a strong leader is important for the organization as he/ she inspires other people as well (Daft, 2014). Thus, it is very important in an organization to have a strong leader. A business can be successful if and only if there is a suitable direction and this direction can be achieved with the help of a good leader. A strong leader forms to be the key reason for the business organization to succeed. In this research paper, the discussion has been done on the characteristic of a good business leader, what should a good business leader avoid. Further, there has been an analysis if it is important to have a good business leader in an organization.