essay 評判:問題解答


essay 評判:問題解答

essay 評判:問題解答


essay 評判:問題解答

Why he must prepare a contract before the property goes on the market?When the key decision is made for the sale of residential property, the initial step must be obtaining consultancy of the property lawyer. When coming in contact with the Agent of Real Estate, their proceedings will not be possible until or unless the property lawyer is consulted. As per legal obligation, before owner or real estate agent end up placing any property across the market, there must be a proposal of contract so that there can be inspection of the contract by the prospective buyer. There can be imposition of hefty fines over anyone caught up in the promotion of selling property anyway prior to the preparation of contract. The property lawyer is responsible for preparing the entire contact that is additionally crucial for instructing the agent of real estate in proceeding, while involving the property in marketing. The contract will be providing information in detail about the ownership, the terms and conditions of initiating sale and title details together what are the key inclusions of sale.

essay 評判:問題解答
What is meant by his duty of disclosure and why it must be complied with?It is the fundamental understanding of the insurance law that there is observation of utmost good faith by each and every party. There had been a clear statement of this rule since the year 1766 by Lord Mansfield, when it was stated that insurance can be identified as a contract set on the basis of speculation. The special facts, as per which there is computation of contingent change, the knowledge mainly lies in context with the insured only. Based on the factor of trust, the underwriter considers proceeding with confidence such that no knowledgeable fact is ignored in any circumstance. It is unlawful for misleading the underwriter to believe that there is no existence of the circumstance and for inducing them in the estimation of risqué as if it never had been in existence. If such a circumstance is not disclosed, then it is considered as an act of fraud. And hence, the nature of policy turns out to fraud. This can be referred to as his duty of disclosure. In the case of Mr. Pickie, this duty of disclosure is in context to disclose each and every information related to his property. This is also crucial for ensuring the successful completion of the contract.