essay 評判:以《破產姐妹》為例對現代主義的探討


essay 評判:以《破產姐妹》為例對現代主義的探討
《破產姐妹》是華納兄弟出品的美國最受歡迎的電視劇之一。該劇的首映是在2011年首次舉辦。這部電視劇清晰地反映了現代主義時期的不同性格。故事的主角是麥克斯·布萊克,他是威廉斯堡餐廳的女服務員。她一直過著非常艱苦的生活,是一個貧窮的工人階級女孩。這反映了現代主義的特點,包括對問題的反思(Gorman & Bill, 2012)。另一個問題已經反映在故事中,那就是人們將要面對的艱難的成人生活。她是由一個無能的母親撫養長大的,母親通常不在家。她以在餐館裡賣紙杯蛋糕起家。另一個角色是Caroline Wesbox,她被迫成為Max的同事。她是那種從一開始就被寵壞了的女孩。然而,她是一個非常樂觀和善良的女孩。

essay 評判:以《破產姐妹》為例對現代主義的探討

Modernism may be defined to be as the philosophical movement which reflects the changes in the culture and the trends which have aroused over the years because of the wide scale transformations which have been observed in the Western Society during the times from 19th and the early 20th century. Some of the major factors which led to the reshaping of modernism include the development of the modern and the industrial societies and the growth of the cities at a rapid rate. According to the term Modernism, it can be defined as the time when there is a transition from Victorianism to modernism. In this essay, the discussion will be conducted on modernism. Modernism impacted the literature in a large manner. There were a large number of authors of modern period. In this essay, the discussion will be done on the modernism in literature, the characteristics of modernism. The characteristics will be explained with the help of the example from the American TV serial ‘Two Broke Girls’.The time period of high modernism was during the times of 1910 to 1930. Some of the most important writers who was particularly popular during this period included T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, Ezra Pound, Stein, Wyndham Lewis, Virginia Woolf, Wallace Stevens and Gertrude Stein.
The 2 Broke Girls is one of the most popular American Television shows which have been created by the Warner Bros. This premier of this show was held for the very first time in the year 2011. This Television episode gives the clear reflection of the different characters of modernism period. The main character of the story is Max Black who is a waitress at the Williamsberg Diner. She has been living a very tough and a rough life and is poor working class girl. This reflects the characteristic of modernism which included the reflection of the issues (Gorman & Bill, 2012). Another issues had been reflected by story that was the rough adult life which is to be faced by the people. She was raised by the mother who was incompetent and generally absent. She started her life by selling of the cupcakes in the diner. Another character is Caroline Wesbox who has been forced to become the co-worker of Max. She is such a kind of girl who has been spoiled right from the very beginning of her life. However, she is a very optimistic and a kind girl.