essay 評判:迪士尼允許同性戀


essay 評判:迪士尼允許同性戀
事實上,早在同性戀權利獲得之前很久,迪斯尼就選擇舉辦同性戀日,這是一個熱門話題,描述的是迪斯尼不是落後於進步的問題,而是走在前列。此外,迪士尼從未公開表示支持同性婚姻,自1995年以來,迪士尼一直在為與同性伴侶生活或與同性伴侶結婚的員工提供健康服務。這最終在其家鄉佛羅里達州引發了重大爭議。佛羅里達州更為保守,還牽涉到佛羅里達州家庭協會(Family Association of Florida)的一份聲明。然而,迪士尼對於提供這些利益的立場並沒有改變。在此之前,迪士尼的童話婚禮計劃一直在邀請同性伴侶結婚。

essay 評判:迪士尼允許同性戀

essay 評判:迪士尼允許同性戀

he fact chosen by Disney for hosting Gay Days long prior to gay rights had been a hot topic depicts that instead of lagging on progressive problems, Disney is known to be across the forefront. In addition, Disney has never made an outright statement for supporting gay marriage, it has been providing benefits of health services to the employees living with or married to the same sex partners since the year 1995. This has ended up sparking significant controversies in the home state of Florida that is more conservative and further involving a statement from the Family Association of Florida, with Disney being accused to show an outright arrogance and disrespect in perceiving their attitude towards the families of America. However, Disney has not budged over the stance for the provision of these benefits. Further ahead, the scheme of Fairy Tale Weddings at Disney has been inviting the marriage of the same sex couples.

essay 評判:迪士尼允許同性戀
With the continuous debate on the hot topic of gay marriage, Disney has been allowing ceremonies for the same sex wedding at its resorts since the year 2007, including a package for these marriages as well. Also, for actually driving a point home, placing its signature on the amicus brief, Disney urged the Court for holding the unconstitutional nature of DOMA. It had been stated in the brief that the organizations have engagement in international and national competition. This competition has been demand teamwork, and teamwork will thrive if the business ends up minimizing the distracting variations, while focusing on a common mission.