


社交互动是任何应用程序用户之间的另一个关键问题。这一属性包括社交、面对面交谈、远程交谈、故事呈现、共同呈现以及其他各种社会现象。社交活动包括一系列需要遵守的规则,比如相互问候、协调交谈、告别仪式、各种暗示和暗示,比如有说服力地说话等等。在通话过程中,必须特别处理故障,以便让用户参与到对话中(Galitz, 2010)。优步评估——在对优步进行评估的研究中,用户可以通过电话和短信与司机交谈,向他们解释方向。Uber的客户关怀服务使用户可以在团队对应用程序有任何查询时与团队进行交互(Brendaon, 2012)。这个属性积极地吸引用户,并且是所有属性中最重要的属性之一,因为它决定了应用程序在用户中的受欢迎程度。
认知方面——现在理解相同的认知方面。这个过程包括注意力、感知、记忆、学习、阅读、听说、解决问题、计划、推理和决策。对细节的关注包括正确使用图形,甚至单词间距而不混乱,这使得用户能够在不分散用户注意力的情况下适当地强调所需的信息(Kurosu, 2014)。感知和识别包括在行与图标之间使用适当数量的空白,以便在整个应用程序中轻松导航(Smith, 2011)。这包括正确的边界,合法的文字写作,可听的演讲和可识别的图标。记忆包括对任何属性的直接回忆和识别,而设计的含义更倾向于识别过程而不是回忆理论。学习灌输以言语为基础的学习,而不是以教学为基础的学习,后者有时更难理解。读、说、听是另一个动态概念,它有助于学习和鼓励探索。


Social interaction is another key issue amongst the users of any application. This attribute involves being social, face-to-face conversations, remote conversations, tale presence, co-presence and various other social phenomenal. Social interaction involves a set of rules to be followed, like mutual greetings, turn talking in a coordinated manner, farewell rituals, various implicit and explicit cues i.e. speaking in a persuasive manner, etc. During phone calls, the breakdowns must be addressed specifically in order to keep the user engaged in the conversation (Galitz, 2010).Uber evaluation-In the study undertaken to evaluate Uber under this context of social interaction, the users are able to converse with the drivers on phone and over messages in order to explain them the directions. The customer care services of Uber enable the user to interact with the team in case they have any queries regarding the application (Brendaon, 2012). This attribute actively engages the user and is one of the most important attributes of all, because it decides the likability of the application amongst the users.
Cognitive aspects-Now understand the cognitive aspects of the same. This process has followed sub branches attention, perception, memory, learning, reading, speaking and listening, problem solving, planning, reasoning and decision-making. Attention to details involves the correct use of graphics and even the word spacing without cluttering which enables the user to pay appropriate emphasis on the desired information only without distracting the user (Kurosu, 2014). Perception and recognition involves using the right amount of white space between the lines and appropriate icons for easy navigation throughout the application (Smith, 2011). This involves correct bordering, legitimate text writing, audible speeches and distinguishable icons.Memory involves both directly recalling and recognition of any attribute, whereas the design implications favour the recognition process over the recall theory. Learning inculcates the speech based learning in contrast to the instruction based ones, which are sometimes harder to understand.Reading, speaking and listening is another dynamic concept, which facilitates learning and encourages exploration.