


电影中最有趣的场景之一:拳击场景被计划了好几个星期,仅仅五分钟的镜头就花了四天时间。这确实是一段很长的时间,但最终没有经过任何编辑就完成了。那是卓别林的一个复杂的舞蹈动作,但很值得!(戴曼)即使在声道中,卓别林也表现出了他的完美主义。他没有把任务交给任何人,而是自己为电影谱写了优美的旋律。对于流浪汉的远足和其他场景,他得到了一个优秀的音乐背景。然而,在这苍翠的声音中,他叫来了乐师。卓别林后来说他想把《城市之光》的音乐作为魅力和优雅的对位。Jose Padilla的西班牙语主题曲“leitmotif”被这位盲人女孩用来创作歌曲“La Violetera”。然而,帕迪拉对卓别林提起了诉讼,控告他没有把卓别林输掉的那个主题归功于他。



One of the funniest scenes of the movie: the boxing scene was planned for many weeks and just five minutes shot took four days to soot. It was indeed a long time, but eventually it was done without any editing. That was a complicated choreography of Chaplin, but worth it! (DeMain)Even in the sound tracks, Chaplin displayed his perfectionism. He did not give the task to anyone else and he penned the elegant melodies for the movie all by himself. For the Tramp’s hijinks and other scenes, he scored an excellent musical backdrop. However, filling in the verdant sound, he called upon the musicians. Chaplin later stated that he wanted the music of “City Lights” as the counterpoint of charm and elegance. Jose Padilla’s Spanish theme ‘leitmotif’ was used for the song “La Violetera” by the blind girl. However, Padilla filed a lawsuit against Chaplin for not giving him the credit for the theme, which Chaplin lost (Gladysz).

Much before the filming of ‘City Lights’, the film industry had seen the rise of sound movies. This led to many speculations as to how Chaplin would introduce his world famous character ‘Trump’ with voice. Critics and even the spectators had made guesses about how Chaplin would impose the sound to its character, whether it will be monolingual or single voice. Chaplin ended all the speculations by filming “City Lights” without any voice, like all his previous movies. However, he introduced a few sound effects such as the chirping sound of the whistle he made, to show his skills of using the sound as creatively as he used images for comedy, all though his career. The harmonized music score and the live orchestra made the silent movie sound excellently well (Gladysz).