


故障是如何影响服务提供者和服务使用者的,很明显,将订购的货物交付给客户将导致客户和服务提供者的损失。影响的关键问题是,客户将不再使用该服务。当一个组织考虑接受产品的付款时,必须在规定的时间范围内提供相同的产品,或者如果没有规定的时间,那么在合理的时间范围内。这并不是唯一的情形,因为客户在“货到付款”上的订单也有收到订单的权利(Johnson et al., 2008)。只有两种合理的看法可以被认为对公司有效。


首先,供应上的失败是由于一些不在控制范围之内的东西,包括不作为或其他个人的行为。第二,他们一直在进行尽职调查,同时合理地采取防范措施。高水平的表现会引发积极的情绪。在这种背景下,电子零售行业的经验似乎是侵入性的。由于交付失败,客户可能不愿再次向公司下订单(Kumar, 2009)。客户也可以使用口碑来警告其他潜在的和当前的客户关于失败的交付。因此,这可能最终影响到当前客户的购买决策,而且潜在客户也不会与公司接洽。总的来说,这将影响组织的成功和盈利的总体范围。


How failure influences the provider of service and user of service It is evident that the failure of delivering goods ordered to the customers will result in a loss for the customer and for the one providing the service. The key issue of influence will be that the customer will not use the service again. When an organization considers accepting the payment for products, there must be supply of the same in the time frame set or if there is no specification of time, then within a reasonable frame of time. This is not the only scenario as customers who place their orders on “cash on delivery” also have the right of receiving their orders as the terms of the contract change accordingly (Johnson et al., 2008). There are only two reasonable perceptions that can be considered valid for the company.

First, failure in supply was because of something that is not within the control that include the omission or act by another individual. Second, they have been exercising due diligence, while taking up precautions reasonably. High positive emotions are triggered by high level of performance. The experience of the e-retail industry appears to be intrusive in this context. As a result of the failed delivery, a customer may not show willingness in placing orders again from the company (Kumar, 2009). The customer may also use word-of-mouth to warn other potential and current customers about the failed delivery. As a result, this may end up affecting the decision for making purchases among current customers, and also, the potential customers will not approach the company. Overall, this will influence the overall scope of success and profit making for the organization.