
essay 代寫:隱私安全調查

essay 代寫:隱私安全調查
調查顯示,在0-4的範圍內,受訪者對隱私問題的擔憂程度平均為2.29。這表明,使用Facebook、WhatsApp、Twitter等社交媒體的用戶對他們所共享的信息和個人內容的隱私多少有些擔心。人們建議的其他改進包括;信息安全,更多遊戲和活動的引入,網絡安全,社交媒體應用和網站的升級更加頻繁,尤其是在隱私和安全政策方面。本研究的局限性較少,可供未來研究人員參考。更大的樣本可能會為這個研究目標提供更好的結果。可能會有更多關於ict、用戶需求特點、社交媒體的負面影響等方面的問題被提出,調查表格中的社交媒體平台領域可能會涵蓋更多平台,以獲得實質性的結果。通過對調查結果的分析,上述結果突出了15 – 30歲人群中與社交媒體使用相關的各種問題。最重要的觀察是使用社交媒體數小時的增長趨勢。
這在世界各地都很常見,但我們的社會才剛剛開始這種憤怒。在這一點上,我們可以採取適當的措施來限制使用社交媒體的時間,並將其導向積極的事業。調查發現,大多數受訪者使用社交媒體聯繫朋友。雖然溝通很重要,但社交媒體可以用於更好的建設性目的。人們應該接受積極使用社交媒體的教育,而不僅僅是閒聊和無目的的談話。幾乎每個受訪者都在使用一種或另一種形式的社交媒體,其中Instagram、WhatsApp、Facebook和Twitter是常見的。人們在社交媒體上與很多朋友保持聯繫,儘管交流的可信度取決於社交媒體和現實生活中常見朋友的比例(Correa, Hinsley & De Zuniga 2010, p 249)。社交媒體上虛假的友誼和與陌生人分享的內容必須受到關注,以確保安全的相互關係。

essay 代寫:隱私安全調查

The survey form shows that on a scale from 0-4, average response for worry about privacy is 2.29. This shows that people who are using Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and other social media are somewhat worried about the privacy of their information and personal contents shared. Other improvements suggested by people include; security of information, introduction of more games and activities, cyber security, up gradation of social media apps and websites more frequently, especially regarding privacy and security policies.There are few limitations of this research which may be considered by future researchers.A larger sample may give better results for this research objective.More questions may be introduced regarding ICTs, features demanded by users, adverse effects of social media, etc.Social media platforms field in the survey form may cover more platforms for substantial results.The above findings through analysing survey results highlights various matters related to use of social media among people of 15 years to 30 years. The foremost observation is the increasing trend of using social media for several hours.
This is very common around the world but our society has just at the start of this rage. This is the point where proper measures can be taken to limit the time of using social media as well as directing it towards positive causes. Most of the respondents were found to use social media for contacting friends. Although communication is important but social media could be used for better constructive purposes. People should be educated on positive use of social media rather than just gossiping and talking non-purposely. Almost every respondent is using one or other form of social media among which Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter are common ones. People are in contact with many friends on social media although the credibility of communication is dependent on the percentage of friends common in social media and real life (Correa, Hinsley & De Zuniga 2010, p 249). Unreal friendships on social media and content sharing with strangers must be watched over to allow secure interrelations.