
essay 代寫:社交媒體傳播的途徑

essay 代寫:社交媒體傳播的途徑
這凸顯了一個觀點,即社交媒體傳播很可能產生於大眾的認知。即使缺乏證據證明,也沒有多大關係。當人們在自己的私人空間里通過Facebook和Twitter等公共論壇交流時,會有強烈的意見存在,而事實很少。因此,缺乏事實並不能阻止人們展示他們的觀點。然而,希拉里•克林頓(Hillary Clinton)的支持者也提出了相反的說法。這種相反的說法被用來辯稱,克林頓的行為有些過火,不同政府機構進行的無數輪調查都未能清楚地把克林頓和她的電子郵件使用情況聯繫起來。有很多朋友和知名人士認為媒體報導和社交媒體聊天是惡意的(Leistert, 2015)。
這些人中的許多人也被情緒所驅使,認為有關希拉里·克林頓(Hillary Clinton)的新聞報導來自唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)團隊精心策劃的故事。他們認為,這些報導是唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)利用沒有事實依據的卑鄙手段,直接企圖破壞她的候選人資格。故事的可信性和反駁的論據並不清楚,因為在這個問題上缺乏明確性。這種評估和社交媒體傳播更多的是出於個人的感知,而不是通過事實數據的存在(Jacobs & Spierings, 2016)。這樣的觀點指出,在很多情況下,對社交媒體平台上共享和發表的新聞和媒體報導的管理不太可能是完全正確的。有很多操縱行為被既得利益者所利用。它也為虛假信息的發展創造了機會,這些虛假信息可以很快在社交媒體渠道上傳播。

essay 代寫:社交媒體傳播的途徑

This highlights the idea that social media communication is likely to be generated from the popular perceptions. Even when there is lack of evidential proof, it would not matter much. There is a strong presence of opinion and less of facts when people communicate in their personal space through public forums like Facebook and Twitter. therefore, lack of facts does not stop people from showcasing their opinions. However, there has also been a counter narrative which has been developed by the supporters of Hillary Clinton. Such counter narrative has been developed to argue that the deeds of Clinton have been overboard and numerous rounds of investigation by various government agencies have failed to clearly create any link between Clinton and her email usage. There have been a number of friends and known people who have termed the media coverage and social media chatter as malicious (Leistert, 2015).
Many of these people are also driven by emotions and consider the news reports regarding Hillary Clinton to be coming from the planted stories of Donald Trump team. They have viewed such stories as direct attempt by the Donald Trump to undermine her candidacy using foul means which have no basis for truth. The believability of the stories and counter arguments are not clear to understand as there has been lack of clarity on this matter. Such kind of assessment and the social media communication has been driven more out of one’s perception and less through the presence of factual data (Jacobs & Spierings, 2016). Such kind of aspect points out to the fact that management of the news and media reports which are shared and spoken on the social media platforms are unlikely to be completely true in many cases. There has been a lot of manipulation which is seen and found that is used by people with vested interests. It also creates the chance for the development of misinformation which can be spread across the social media channels very quickly.