


I and my two college X, Y attended the Husker Dialogues event on 13 Sep, 2016 and met with professor Dr. Gwendolyn M in between 4:45 PM and 5:00 PM. After the registration at the event we were given specific instructions by the event organizer regarding the event in order to make sure the entire event is organized in better way. We all stayed at the event from 4:45 PM to 8:55 PM. The event was quite interesting and well enjoyed the same. According to our view, the event was quite interesting, meaningful and knowledgeable. This kind of events are important in order to understand the university culture, learning environment, about staff, faculty and existing students.
The main purpose of the event was to have small group discussion in to order understand how to increase incoming students in the university. We discussed about change in personality, understanding, culture, diversity in university, learning environment, engagement among various students and faculty and staff, available resources, and more. The debate went for quite long with more meaningful conversations to provide insights about to attract more new students at the university. The entire focus was on diversity and inclusion in the debate to make the campus more diverse and inclusive by inviting more diverse culture students from various countries or location to the university.
Yes, the college agenda was very clear and the expected outcome was great as all the attendees were seemed to be quite satisfactory and aware to the group discussion topic. We think that this kind of events are important to make aware the students, staff and faculty to attract more students. These events help in building the great brand and culture among the others about the university so that a right and meaningful message goes to all. The most important message that all the staffs, faculty and students are committed towards their goal and always helpful for any kind for activities in the campus.
To attract more crowd for this group discussion, the event was marketed and communicated through various modes for example social media, blogs, articles, posters in campus, emails to student parents, advertisement in local newspapers, university notice board and other university student groups. The social media, university notice board and local newspaper were the effective medium of communication for the event. These mode of communication for the event helped in gathering crowd of more than 500 people. The event was helpful in convincing all these audience as expected.

Wine and culinary tourism is a vital component of the tourism experience (McKercher et al., 2008). Constant surveying the leisure culinary travellers and conducting research on their opinions is the helpful method. Interactive methods like social media, blogging and personal interactions also workout for the strategy development.

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