


活跃的受众理论认为人类不只是接收信息。他们积极参与基于他们的意识形态和知识的信息的理解。对受众的信仰、价值观和教育的影响(Shoemaker and Reese, 2013),对媒体信息的解码。观众一直都在参与媒体如何与他们互动以及如何满足他们的需求。这些受众不是信息的被动接受者;相反,他们积极参与信息如何被人们理解。根据Stuart Hall的说法,有三种类型的观众。他们是主要的观众,谈判的观众和对立的读者(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。占主导地位的受众是接受信息并复制首选阅读的霸权读者。

谈判的读者试图整理信息,并将其与他们的意识形态一致。对立的读者或反霸权的读者被发现直接反对主导的代码和理解首选阅读。他们试图建立一个可供选择的参考框架(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。社交媒体的出现改变了活跃受众理论的动态。在这些动态中,观众的分类已经完全转变了。出现了新时代的观众,他们不能被划分为任何一个观众群体(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。听众已经成为信息传递给不同群体的支持者或部分。


The active audience theory states that humans do not simply receive information. They are actively involved in making sense of the message based on their ideology and knowledge. There is decoding of the media message that is influenced by the beliefs, values and education of the audience (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). Audiences have always been involved in how the media is engaged with them and how it meets their needs. These audiences are not passive receivers of the information; rather they are actively involved in how the information is construed by the people. According to Stuart Hall, there are three kinds of audiences. They are the dominant audiences, negotiated audiences and oppositional readers (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). The dominant audiences are the hegemonic readers who accept the information and reproduce the preferred reading.

The negotiated reader tries to collate information and aligns it with their ideology. The oppositional reader or the counter-hegemonic readers are found to be directly opposing to the dominate code and understand the preferred reading. They try to build an alternative frame of reference (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). Emergence of social media has changed the dynamics of the active audience theory. The audience classification has been turned completely in these dynamics. There is the emergence of the new age audience who cannot be classified into any one audience groups (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). The audience have become the proponent or a part in which the information is carried over to the different groups.