

essay代写-活动设计中的经济影响。就经济影响而言,该活动本身将对举办地点和举办活动的主要目的产生有利影响。地理位置的好处在于货币的流动,包括场地的预订,停车费,摊位的使用等等。这样的活动在现有的景观中进行,这是专门为活动设计的,增加了经济影响,因为租金也将在这里支付。其次,事件的经济影响也出现在事件管理志愿者和被聘用的事件经理(Kapferer, 2012)。当场雇佣的人力资源是有报酬的。论文范文essay代写-活动设计中的经济影响分享给留学生阅读。

In terms of economic impact, the event as such would have a beneficial impact in terms of both the location where the event was conducted and also for the main purpose for which the event was conducted. The location benefits because of the monetary movement in terms of the venue being booked, the parking rental fees, the stalls being used and more. The event as such conducted in an existing landscape which is specifically designed for events adds to the economic impact as rental would be paid here too. Secondly the economic impact of the event also arises in the event management volunteers and the event managers who are hired (Kapferer, 2012). Human resources hired at the spot would be paid. Finally, the economic impact that the event mainly aims for is in creating a network of resources for the industry. Now this is an industry event where there are more 80 company representatives meeting up.

In addition, the consumers, the suppliers and more for the companies are also meeting up. This connects many new links and strengthens many old ones ensuring the coffee companies work with more momentum in a more efficient landscape. Ancillary suppliers in any industry will usually have to pitch in for more representation and this would not be an easier thing for them (Keller et al, 2011). More often in industries of high competition, these companies are forced to work with high end brands at the lower end of the chain and build their way up based on the form of opportunities that are available to them. However, by means of trade events like this one they would be able to directly connect with those suppliers and companies in a more direct way and this helps them.

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