


The key implication is with respect to the broader development goals of the country and the contribution of infrastructure to them (Jago et al. 2010). Designing for the future utilization of assets of legacy has to be included from the initial start. The time duration set for contractors in delivering projects of infrastructure need to allow initial testing, rigorousness of new technologies, along with modifications with respect to subsequent innovations. In Qatar and Dubai, appropriate eco- friendly and energy efficient systems of power and appropriate non- automotive transport are less within the scope of focusing on the innovation of infrastructure as these can be identified as the most significant areas of current issues. Already, project planners have been considering ways to optimize flows of traffic and bolster efficiency of energy (Jago et al. 2010). The entire project might be benefitting out of strong backing from political in combination with vesting real authority across the executive agency, and by the consideration of proactive approach in the management of several risks that include risks of budgeting with the involvement of such a massive project.

This paper has identified a number of factors that contribute to the success of mega-events as identified in the case study. In this context, support with broadness and stability from politics can be considered as essential for the success of events. Also, when mega- event is hosted, there is presentation of a significant opportunity for the development of cutting- edge technology and design itself for the event. Yet, it becomes important for having a major impact. This is responsible to spur the introduction of new technologies having a positive knock- on impact all across the economy that speeds up urban transformation and innovation.

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