


In this research paper, the information has been obtained related to the changes which have been made in the laws which are related to the media. Further the issues related to the Australian media as a result of the change in laws have been discussed. Also, the complaints received for media has been discussed in detail. Thus, the report gives the clear analysis of the Australian media issues after 2007.

In order to address the nature and the risk related to the market failure, the self regulatory adjustments were proposed in order to address the risk related to the market failure. Because of the nature of the Australian media landscape, the self-regulation isn’t completely concerned with just the journalism. Instead, there is an overseas range of a large number of media related industries. Thereby, most of the journalists are covered by more than one specific cod.

Thus, major issues have been reported in Australian media after the change of laws in the year 2007. In this research, the issue related to the increase in media concentration after 2007 has been analysed with a comparison to other nations. It explains that in the recent times, there is a deregulation of the media in Australia as a result of the cross media ownership laws. It has also been found out that in the past few years, there has been a large increase in the total number of complaints. This also states that there have been a number of issues in Australian media after the change in laws. Thus, it can be concluded that at present the media industry of Australia isn’t into a good shape and the change in the laws has resulted into the increase in the issues because of increase in concentration.

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