


PET成像或PET扫描是正电子发射层析成像的简称。PET是核医学成像。PET致力于帮助医生诊断和评估相关人员的医疗状况。PET是非侵入性的,需要静脉注射。在生物活性分子中引入正电子发射生物核素示踪剂。所有的成像扫描都使用放射性材料,如放射性药物或放射性示踪剂,以及PET/CT扫描仪(Sherer et al., 2014)。然后,系统检测这些示踪剂浓度在体内的伽马射线发射。图像在扫描中生成,在扫描中可以识别病人体内异常的位置。


18F是一种正电子发射的生物核素,它被引入体内用于医学诊断中的PET成像。这是半衰期的同位素。18F的半衰期是110分钟。放射性核素通常被制成一种叫做射电示踪剂的化合物,通过与葡萄糖或水等物质混合,使其能够与位点结合。因此,氟-18是一种放射性核素,在注射的当天就会发生多次半衰期衰减,因此患者必须事先进行监测和安排监测(Sherer et al., 2014)。


PET imaging or PET scan is the short form of Positron emission tomography. The PET is a nuclear medicine imaging. The PET is works to help physicians diagnose and evaluate medical conditions for the person involved. The PET is non-invasive and involves injecting intravenously. A positron emitting bio nuclide tracer is introduced into the body on a bio active molecule. All imaging scans make use of radioactive materials, such as the radiopharmaceuticals or radiotracers, and the PET/CT scanners (Sherer et al., 2014). The system then detects the gamma ray emissions from these tracer concentrations in the body. Images are generated in the scan where the location of an anomaly in the patient’s body can be identified.

18F is the positron emitting bionuclide that is introduced in the body for PET imaging used in Medical diagnostics. This is an isotope with a half-life. The half-life of 18F is 110 minutes. The radionuclides are usually made as a compound called the radio tracer by mixing with something like glucose or water, in order for it to be able to bind to the site. So Fluorine-18 is a radionuclide that has multiple half-life decay within the day in which it is injected, and hence the patient has to be monitored and scheduled for in advance for the monitoring (Sherer et al., 2014).