


本文着重讨论了买方-供应商权力的重要性和基于买方-供应商的交换结果对组织管理的重要性。这篇文章的主要关注点仍然是买方供应商的权力对管理的重要性以及它如何变得重要(Buciuni和Mola, 2014)。为了评估买方-供应商权力的重要性,需要对最近的期刊文章、书籍和论文进行审查,以获得最可靠、最可靠和最新的关于买方-供应商协会的信息。


通过研究发现,买方-供应商的权力最终成为越来越受到商业研究和学术研究领域的关注的领域。许多研究人员断言,为了增加市场地位和获得竞争优势,与分包商和其他组织的密切联系不仅至关重要,而且迫在眉睫(Chicksand, 2015)。从全球化和国际化的影响已经在世界范围内实现以来,网络经济是一个普遍的讨论话题。研究人员认为,网络经济使这些组织和市场能够以一种相互关联的方式前进,从而获得市场的额外份额,并保持已经存在的地位。此外,组织与其他公司直接竞争可获得的竞争性自然环境(Elking et al., 2017)。然而,在竞争环境中,由于买方供应商的力量被削弱,并且出现了输赢的情况,供应商往往被买方对待。激进组织通过与供应商建立战略合作伙伴关系来解决这一问题。


This essay focuses on discussing the importance of the buyer-supplier power and the buyer-supplier based exchange outcomes to the management of organization. The primary focus of the essay will remain on the extent to which the buyer supplier power is essential to management and the how it becomes important (Buciuni and Mola, 2014). In order to evaluate the essentiality of the buyer-supplier power, it is required that the recent journal articles, books and papers are reviewed for obtaining the most credible, reliable and latest information on the buyer-supplier association.


It has been identified through the research that the buyer-supplier power is eventually becoming the area that is receiving increased attention from the business research and academic study domains. It is asserted by various researchers that in order to increase the market position and obtain the competitive advantages, the articulation of the close ties with the sub-contracted and other organizations becomes not only critical but also imminent (Chicksand, 2015). It is identified that the network economy is a prevailing topic of discussion since the impact of globalization and internationalization has been realized across the world. The researchers suggest that network economy has enabled the organizations and markets itself to advance in a linked manner in order to obtain the additional share of market and retain the position that already exists. Moreover, organizations compete with other companies directly within the available set of competitive nature (Elking et al., 2017). However, in the competitive environments, suppliers are often treated by buyers in an adversarial nature due to which the buyer-supplier power is undermined and win-lose situation arises. This has been addressed by the radical organizations through forming strategic partnerships with suppliers for effective end customer service.