

代写-智能技术在精益和敏捷制造中的贡献。确定工业4.0支持精益和敏捷制造的四个来源,并通过提取当前场景中可用于制造精益和敏捷的最大信息,详细讨论这些来源。本文将支持案例研究公司Swift Solutions Consultancy为其制造客户提供最佳解决方案,并帮助他们变得精益、敏捷和盈利灵活。在创建精益敏捷制造系统中的应用,并将工厂转变为“智能”工厂,不再对持续的浪费和缺乏有效的流程进行批判。坦普顿(2015)所确认的工业4.0将使所有工厂变得不那么“愚蠢”,其中一些技术将具有颠覆性。这些工厂过去在行为上是传统的,过去是依靠市场需求兴旺发达的,现在将在使用技术方面作出创新决定。此外,他们将成为一个与市场,满足即时或零星的需求,并专注于大规模市场生产质量。

SMART technology or Industry 4.0 termed as the fourth industrial revolution is a unique concept under implementation in few countries. These countries have realised the everlasting cost benefits it offers for a long term. It gives the traditional factory a name of ‘Smart Factory’ with lean and agile manufacturing systems and processes eliminating the tiniest of waste alongside providing the most flexibility in operations and meeting market demands. The integration of all processes and functions of organisations and those which are connected internally through technology and internet are being processed by Industry 4.0. It does it in such a manner that it makes the manufacturing system the most innovative, almost like comparing it with an advanced research and development center.

Similar to the introduction and use of agile framework in manufacturing, the development of agile software development was also introduced to make flexible software which is used to make flexible production systems. The agile software development is also similar to the manufacturing, but it forms the innumerable end result benefits that can be visibly realised in the companies where it is applied.
With the consistent importance and rise of belief in the concept of globalisation, the contribution of IT related products and enhancements that it provides to manufacturing is immensely commendable (Gunasekaran, 2001). The first benefit is to collaborate all units, processes, production units, and inter-exchange their strengths and eliminates weaknesses to a significant extent. The accessibility of a wealth of information about products from any part of the world is possible with the application of internet of things and how it clearly applies to the manufacturing industry. For making use of the Industry 4.0 concept in production units, the organisations need to build a foundation of technology usage and expedite its implementation practice. Industry 4.0 provides an interworking of human with human, human with machine and technology, and production system and machines. The possibility of formulating a single source of truth about products and production system makes the access of single information from all nodes of the supply chain and in the control room too. This reduces the possibility of human and machine error to the minimum and in turn educes cost, resources, time, and enhances productivity. Lean manufacturing indicates minimum costs, reduced wastage, and also meeting quality requirements and timely production (Gunasekaran, 1999). These all are convincingly possible by applying the internet of things and the Industry 4.0 mechanism. The automation procedures are possible through combining sensors, computers, actuators, and forms a link between the physical and virtual world. Connecting all technologies and processes with human knowledge and input of new knowledge is the best cooperation made possible through Industry 4.0 application. The development lead time can be extremely reduced possible due to sharing of engineering data between engineers working towards the processes.

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