

代写演进稿ppt-印度政府对太阳能资源的计划,印度政府计划在2022年之前将太阳能整合为主要的能源。印度还计划通过利用运河、水库、湖泊和盐湖的水面面积,来有效利用印度的土地资源,并将其用于建设大容量的太阳能发电厂。安装在水体上的太阳能电池板将通过下面的水进行清洁。公路和铁路也将被用来消除围绕负荷中心的高额土地相关成本,同时最小化输电线路的成本;太阳能发电厂将安装在10米高的轨道和道路上(Chaudhary et al., 2015)。这将为电动汽车提供动态充电,以降低燃料成本。由于越来越多的家庭和个人被吸引到供家庭使用的小型太阳能装置,与太阳能技术的应用有关的成本还在不断降低。预计光伏发电成本的降低将为公众提供更多的机会来部署太阳能电池板。接下来有关代写演进稿ppt-印度政府对太阳能资源的计划分享给大家阅读。

It is considered that the government of India is planning to integrate the solar energy as the integral and primary source of energy by the year of 2022. There are further plans to effectively use the land resource of India through using the water surface area present on the canals, reservoirs, lakes and sear for situating the solar power plants with large capacity. The solar panels installed on the water bodies will be cleaned through the water available beneath. The highways and railways will also be utilized for eliminating the high land related costs surrounding the load centers along with minimizing the cost of transmission line; the solar power plants will be installed at the height of 10 meters on the rail tracks and roads (Chaudhary et al., 2015). This will provide with in-motion charging to the electric vehicles in order to lower the costs of the fuel. Further reduction of the cost related to the deployment of solar technology is continual because of which increasing number of families and individuals are attracted to the small solar units for the household use. The projected reductions of the cost for photovoltaics will provide with the increased opportunity for the public to deploy the solar panels.
It is further considered that as India is a densely populated regit is further considered that as India is a densely populated region situated in the sunny tropical belt, the both components can be leveraged for high exposure of sun rays and increased potential of the customer density (Devabhaktuni et al., 2013). The projections have been identified that India can make solar energy as the backbone of the national economy by the next decade. This will provide meeting the long term carbon emission targets along with ensuring that the potential of economic growth is not deteriorated.

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