


Appropriate judgment in the planning, selection and collection of evidence to investigate the chosen issue via primary and/or secondary data
The researcher had chosen a crucial issue. An ethical estimation of the judgment was required before judging the investigation. Then it had to be executed very cautiously. The researcher made a clear conceptual use of primary and secondary data collection. The primary data collection which is conducted by surveying 100 people, among whom 48% were female, shows the clear public response to cashless China market. The researcher has taken advantage of journals, books, magazines, and articles and used them accordingly to gather the qualitative data to support his research logically and ethically. This led the researcher stand high through all prospective (Antragama, 2017).
The findings (primary and/or secondary data) in the light of the appropriate theoretical background and the constraints introduced by practical and real life business issues
The non-cash payment methods in China although has been proved to be very popular and gladly accepted, there are still some limitations. The survey that the researcher had done is very likely to highlight both the areas of positive and negative impact on the market and the people. In order to conduct the process of primary research, the researcher found that the respondents from all ages are appreciating this necessary procedure for a smarter future. Then there are still some people who have to take the aid of dependence on others because they are unable to go with the flow of using cashless transactions. This dependence is not only putting them into trouble to manage with this unaccustomed practice but also increasing the possibilities of cyber-crime by sharing their passwords with others (Lloyd, 2017).
Communicate effectively the business project elements, including presentation of quantitative/qualitative data in appropriate format and a well-structured professional report
The researcher had taken into consideration both the primary and secondary research methods, to bring up the desired result of the research study. In order to conduct a quantitative method, the researcher had set a logical questionnaire based on the issue which was an appropriate approach to identity the genuine thoughts of the mass. The questionnaire was formed in accordance to gather view points through interviews and surveys. The survey process included the famous shopping sites of China. In secondary research method, qualitative approach was finely executed by collecting data from renowned books, magazines, journals, existing research works, and authentic websites to provide the immense support to the research work (Kajdi, 2017).

Demonstrate the development of independent and self-managed learning
The impact of cashless transaction on the consumers of Chinese market is remarkable. However, I would like to describe some very important aspects from this particular piece of project.
Firstly, in such a progressive country like China, the emergence of changing the transaction method from manual to cashless is very significant for the development.
By researching on the same project, I found that the Govt has implemented a number of digital methods to support this movement.
Massive supporting reactions from the consumers suggest that the problem regarding this issue is very minute and will be removed very soon after being practiced a certain time.
From my point of view, this will lead the country be a corruption free, more advanced and powerful country in all regards.

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