


苹果公司总部位于加利福尼亚州库比蒂诺,是一家从事电脑、软件、手机等产品的设计、开发和销售的跨国公司。该组织成立于1976年,成立于1977年(Dormehl, 2012)。它是世界上收入最大的信息技术组织之一。它也是仅次于三星的全球第二大手机制造商。该组织拥有超过10万名员工,在全球拥有400多家零售店。一个组织的资源和能力允许它为客户服务和繁荣。根据上述陈述,必须指出,这些能力和资源是使组织获得竞争优势的驱动力。有形资产和无形资产是组织的基本能力的类别。组织的生存依赖于这种阈值能力(Dormehl, 2012)。组织最大的有形资源包括设计师、程序员、工程师、硬件、软件、零售店和供应商。在这些设计师和工程师的帮助下,该组织已经能够生产世界级的产品和软件,如iPhone, ipod和OS X操作系统(Akan et al., 2006)。竞争优势很大程度上依赖于这些资源,苹果的资源使其与众不同。

与竞争对手戴尔(Dell)不同,苹果的优势从来不在于成本战略。戴尔能够随心所欲地降低成本,从而瞄准那些倾向于成本的客户。由于财政拮据,该组织不得不召回接替首席执行官一职的工作。苹果最大的优势是通过创新来领导(Lasserre, 2012)。苹果已经能够在市场上获得自己的地位,并通过产品差异化来推动自己的利润。如果一个组织能够探索其概念上的差异,那么产品差异可以是一个很好的工具或策略。通过他的个人技巧和把电脑变成家用产品的创立理论,史蒂夫·乔布斯在1998年挽救了苹果公司,使其免于倒闭。该组织最大的能力之一是其品牌形象,这是集中在简单和使生活更简单(艾伦和赫尔姆斯,2006)。苹果的一般策略只是成本策略和营销策略的结合,很少有其他虚构的市场领域。作为市场的领导者,苹果证明了通用战略是确保市场利益的完美肯定方式。


Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple Inc. is a multinational company which is engaged in the designing, development and selling of computers, software, phones etc. Founded in the year 1976, the organization was incorporated in the year 1977 (Dormehl, 2012). It is one of the largest information technology organizations in the world in terms of revenue. It is also the second largest manufacturer of phones in the world after Samsung. The organization employs more than 100,000 employees and has more than 400 retail stores across the globe.The resources and the competencies of an organization allow it to serve its customers and prosper. In the light of the above statement it is imperative to state that these competencies and resources are the driving forces which allow an organization to gain competitive edge. The tangible and intangible assets are the categories of the threshold capabilities of an organization. The survival of an organization is dependent on such threshold capabilities (Dormehl, 2012). The biggest tangible resources of the organization include designers, programmers, engineers, hardware, software, retail stores and suppliers. With the help of such designers and engineers the organization has been able to manufacture world class products and software like iPhone, ipod and OS X operating system (Akan et al., 2006). The competitive advantage is hugely dependent on such resources, Apple’s resources make it distinctive from the competitors.

Cost strategy has never been the strength of Apple unlike its competitor Dell which has been able to drive down costs at its wills thereby targeting cost-inclined customers. Due to the financial constraints the organization had to recall Jobs to take over the position of CEO. The biggest strength of Apple is leadership through innovation (Lasserre, 2012). Apple has been able to gain its position in the market and drive its profit through product differentiation. If an organization is able to explore its conceptual distinction, product differentiation can be a great tool or strategy. Through his personal knack and the founding theory of making the computer a home product, Steve Jobs was able to revive the organization and save it from sinking in 1998. One of the biggest competencies of the organization is its brand image which is focused on simplicity and making lives simpler (Allen and Helms, 2006). Generic strategy of Apple is nothing but combination of costing strategy and marketing strategies and few other fictional market fields. Being a leader company in marketplace, Apple proved that generic strategy is the perfect affirmative way to ensure the benefit of market.