


本研究将发现澳洲金融保险业的性别薪酬差距。它不仅将有利于性别薪酬差距领域,而且还将有助于解决有助于将这一基本商业问题边缘化的其他选择。根据Horrace and Oaxaca(2001),分析了信息技术产业的性别薪酬差距;他们选择贸易活动中的关键因素(例如,价格和贸易比率),这些因素将在他们的研究框架中得到进一步研究。我们的研究使用了类似的方法;它是基于政府数据库的数据量研究。此外,Walker(2000)指出,行业盈利能力、行业就业增长、平均教育水平、工资和消费增长都可能对性别工资差距产生影响。本研究将通过对数据库数据的分析,重点研究性别薪酬差距的趋势及其与地域经济因素(如GDP、CPI)的关系。本研究比较了南澳大利亚州(SA)与澳大利亚其他州金融和保险业的性别差异。

该方法使研究性别在薪酬模型中的重要性成为可能,并提供了关于金融和保险业存在性别差距的新信息(Skalpe 2007)。本研究项目的分析单位为澳大利亚国家雇员,研究时间范围为2005年至2015年。由于本研究的主要目的是分析澳大利亚金融和保险行业的性别薪酬差距问题,因此本研究的样本人群将包括在各自行业工作的员工。这些数据将包括男性和女性,同时还将涉及相同职位的每位员工的工资收入,并确定该行业男性和女性工资收入的关键差异。通过本研究可以发现,在金融保险业中,性别薪酬差距的比例最高。在工业方面,截至2015年,已查明在食品和住宿工业中,性别薪酬差距最低,为7%;在金融和保险行业,这一比例最高,为30.5%。


This research will find the gender pay gap in financial and insurance industries in Australia. It will not only benefit the domain of gender pay gap, but it will also help in addressing alternative options that will help sideline this essential business issue. According to Horrace and Oaxaca (2001), the authors analyzed the gender pay gap in information technology industry; they choose key factors in trading activities (e.g., price rates and trade ratios) that is further examined in their research framework. Our research utilized the similar methods; it is based on data quantity research from government data bases. Moreover, Walker (2000) states that the industry profitability, industry employment growth, average education levels, and salary and consumption growth might all have influences on the gender wage gap. The research will focused on the trend of gender pay gap and its relationship to the reginal economic factors (e.g. GDP,CPI) through the analysis of data from the data bases. This study compares the gender differences in the financial and insurance industry in South Australia (SA) to other states in Australia.

The method made it possible to study the importance of gender in pay model and provide new information about the existence of gender gaps in the financial and insurance industry (Skalpe 2007).The unit of analysis for this research project is the state employees in Australia and time scope of the study is from 2005 to 2015.As the key purpose of this research is to analyse the issue of gender pay gap in the financial and insurance industries of Australia, the sample population for this research will be consisting of employees working in the respective industry. These will include both males and females, while referring to the wage income of every employee at same positions, and identifying the key differences in the wage income earned by men and women in the industry. Based on this research, it will be identified that in the industry of finance and insurance, the rate of gender pay gap is the highest.In terms of industry, as of the year 2015, it has been identified that gender pay gap is the lowest in the industry of food and accommodation, being 7 per cent; and is the highest in the industry of finance and insurance, being 30.5 per cent.