




The author Verne, adds a new twist to the storyline when the every precise Foggs slips and mistakes with the time frame. This is seen when Fogg assumes that he had reached London a day late, when in fact he was right on time. There is a lot of interest to the character Fogg. The audience travels along with him and his quirks. There is a rational thought process and also a certain level of detachment in his character. There is an enduring passion that is observed in Fogg. In this process of traveling the world, he wins a wager and gains monetary gains. This adds to his victory. Nevertheless, the real victory is that he finds lasting love. His magnanimous attitude is seen when he sees Aouda marry the ex-shipman, even though he feels that Aouda would have made him very happy.
This altruistic spirit, empathy, forgiveness and adventurous spirit makes Fogg a truly great character. That is why the main protagonist is considered to be the hero of the story. From reading the books, the innate character of Fogg is considered to be a truly unique spirit. Fogg has managed to maintain the sense of altruism, achieved great adventures, helped the enemy in times of need and practiced forgiveness to the people. He won the wager and also the hearts of the people. It is for this reason that Fogg is considered to be the hero of the story. To conclude, from a personal standpoint and from critical analysis of the character, he is truly a hero who deserves respect.