


望远镜观察这张图片有它的起源在20世纪早期。意识形态来设计一个空间技术是1923年由德国科学家赫尔曼跟着自己。他观察事件的基本思想和吸收来自不同方面的数据空间。1946年美国天体物理学家莱曼斯皮策小,我提高了这原始的议程创建一个望远镜监视和数据同化。他被认为是创建一个大望远镜的灵感来源。1969年NASA基本上创建一个大望远镜,可以监视活动,收集数据。望远镜的错综复杂和详细基本上成为复杂的时间和知识。1974年,基本上大望远镜收集数据的技术,是十分之一的角秒,可以记录各种波长紫外线和红外线。它基本上可以推导出不同波长的光谱,使重要的计算。1975年欧洲机构也参与了这个项目,1977年哈勃望远镜的名字是设计,正式开始运作。这是这个雄心勃勃的望远镜项目背后的历史。M100的哈勃太空望远镜的帮助下发现实际上是一个集群的恒星,它大约有2500在在这个螺旋梅西耶100星系被认为是最突出或最宏伟的科学家称他们(哈勃网站,2015 b)。天文学家能够观察到有超过一打这些造父变星和造父变星能够强烈脉动发生的速度周。


The telescope to observe this image had it origin in the early 20th century. The ideology to devise a space technology was done in 1923 by the German scientists Herman Oberth. He had the fundamental idea of observing events and assimilating data about the different aspects from space. In 1946 the American astrophysicist Lyman Spitzer Jr, furthered this original agenda of creating a telescope to monitor and assimilate data. He is considered to be the inspiration for creating a large telescope. In 1969 NASA basically created a big telescope that can monitor activities and collect data. The intricacies and the detailing of the telescope basically became complex with time and from the knowledge. In 1974 the large telescope basically had the technology to collect data that is one tenth of an arc second and can record the various wavelengths from UV rays to infrared rays. It could basically deduce the different wavelength across the spectrum and make significant calculations. IN 1975 the European agencies also got involved in this project and in 1977 The Hubble telescope name was devised and had officially started to function. This is the history behind this ambitious telescope project. The M100 that was found with the help of the HST is actually a cluster of stars, it has about 2500 galaxies in it and in this the spiral Messier 100 is seen to be the most prominent or what scientists call the most magnificent in them (Hubble Site, 2015b). Astronomers were able to observe that there were more than a dozen of these Cepheid variables and these Cepheid variables were capable of strong pulsations that occurred at a rate of weeks.