

特易購的優勢在於其創新的商業策略,例如創建小型商店,為消費者提供附近的購物來源(Lu, Flanagan & Jewell, 2013)。此外,該公司還沉迷於促進國際業務的戰略,如引入網上購物、成立合資企業和聘用當地專業人士擔任高級管理職位。組織的其他突出優勢包括組織的規模,允許批量購買的能力和俱樂部卡的設施。會員卡是一種獎勵方案,它可以確保顧客的忠誠度,並在顧客和企業之間建立長期的關係(Morley等。,2016)。最大的弱點來自樂購公司提供的多樣化服務。樂購公司的擴張提升了該組織的能力,因此它冒險涉足食品、家具、汽油、保險、服裝、書籍和金融服務等領域。然而,樂購公司(Tesco Plc)所遵循的這種服務擴張模式,卻成了該公司的禍患。
樂購公司的金融服務受到信用卡未付貸款的影響,保險業務也受到家庭保險索賠增加的影響。樂購在某些領域相對缺乏經驗。它自己的智能手機和平板電腦系列也遭受了上述聲明中提到的缺乏經驗(Samiee, 2013)。除了上述問題,Tesco Plc還面臨著包括新的IT和網絡基礎設施以及商店改造的成本。這一因素對該公司的降價努力產生了巨大影響,而降價本來可以帶來更多的銷售。樂購公司有充足的市場機會進行擴張。樂購公司(Tesco Plc)進軍數字娛樂市場的眾多例子之一就是。樂購集團在Blinkbox投資80%,是樂購集團進軍數字娛樂領域的重要催化劑。樂購股份有限公司(Tesco Plc)可以利用這筆投資,同時推出屬於該公司的智能手機和平板電腦。


Tesco has its strengths embedded in innovative business strategies such as creation of small stores for providing consumers with a nearby source for shopping (Lu, Flanagan & Jewell, 2013). Furthermore, the company has also indulged in strategies to facilitate international operations such as introducing online shopping, engaging in joint ventures and hiring local professionals for positions in the senior management. The other prominent strengths of the organization include the magnitude of the organization which allows the ability to buy in bulk and the facility of Clubcard. Clubcard is a type of rewarding package which ensures loyalty of customers and builds a long term relationship between customer and the business (Morley et al.., 2016).The foremost weakness arises from the diversity of services provided by Tesco Plc. The expansion of Tesco Plc has promoted the organization’s capabilities and thus it has ventured out to provide products in food, furniture, petrol, insurance, clothing, books and financial services. However, this model of expansion of services followed by Tesco Plc has turned out to be a bane for the organization.
The financial services of Tesco Plc have been affected by the unremitted loans from credit cards and the insurance services have also been affected similarly by the increase in claims for household insurance. Tesco Plc is comparatively inexperienced when it comes to certain sectors. Its own range of smartphones and tablets has suffered from the inexperience referred to in the above statement (Samiee, 2013). Apart from the above stated issues, Tesco Plc is burdened by the costs of including new IT and web infrastructure as well as remodeling of stores. This factor puts a massive impact on the company’s price reduction efforts which could have garnered more sales. The market has sufficient opportunities for Tesco Plc to expand itself. One of the prolific examples of markets suitable for Tesco Plc to make an intrusion is the digital entertainment sector. Tesco Plc has an investment of 80% in Blinkbox which is a substantial catalyst for Tesco Plc to enter the digital entertainment sector. Tesco Plc can make the most of this investment in unison with the initiative to offer smartphones and tablets belonging to the company.