




Solution for a soothing toy could be presented in two ways. Primarily, the clothing or the child or some form of a security blanket that the child uses often could be used to make a custom soothing toy for the child. The child would recognize the clothing and this usually will lead to better soothing action on the temperament of the child when it is cranky. Also the use of clothing belongings is also a sustainable venture. The parents are making use of things that already belong to them and they also know that the material used is safe. A second solution can be developed by studying the function of baby soothing toys. A detailed study of the different functions of soothing toys must be done. Soothing toys used during the teething phase and the use of soothing toys when the child needs to sleep, etc. are presented in the market. Therefore, once the target market segment, based on the age of the child, is established, then it will be easier to classify different functions based on age. For instance, a pacified style functionality might be more appealing for a child under three. Thence, the age group of the target market must be selected before the functionality classifications are done.